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Hello lovelies, Thankyou so much for all the warm wishes... I'm a little fine now although I still can't walk properly but my headache is gone now so I decided to write and guess what I've wrote 4 chapters, thankyou for your patience... and here you go 🤗

Ana freshens up herself getting ready to check out from the motel room in which both Taehyung and her stayed last night.

Taehyung had told her to come downstairs as the car will be there in no time to pick them up. She folded the clothes the counter man gave both of them and went downstairs.

Walking downstairs she saw Taehyung standing out the motel near a black car and smiles. He was waiting for her, getting nearer towards the counter she handed the clothes "Thankyou for your hospitality Mr" she bows respectfully "Aish don't make me flustered, it's my duty to look over my customers" the man replied taking the clothes from her.

"You're very kind Sir, plus your motel is extremely beautiful I wish you all the best" she smiles before bowing again and leaving the place "Thankyou so much" the counter man smiles bidding her goodbye.

Ana smiles looking at Taehyung as he was waiting for her, he opened the car and got in motioning her to get in as well. Settling in the car they both looked at each other and she chimes happily making Taehyung smile a little "Finally home... I miss Tan"

"Hmm I miss him too" He said as the driver start the car "Wait what about the other car? We have food in it" She said worriedly and Taehyung chuckles "It's fine and at home" He states looking at her amusingly as her reactions turns into impressive one's.


They both got out of the car getting welcomed by Melissa "You back home Melissa?" Ana gets surprised watching her "Yes mam, Jungkook-shi left as he was getting late for his work and I send Tannie to school" She replied bowing to Taehyung.

Ana showed her a thumbs up and smiles "You're the best....Wahhh I missed you!" Ana practically hugs her making Taehyung eye both of them and Melissa hesitated as she was in no place to hug her. He went back in leaving them both outside.

"A-Ana... I missed you too and you're safe right? You both are safe?" She asked worriness lace in her eyes to which Ana nods smilingly "Yes we're alright" but her face drops its color remembering the last night scene which didn't went unnoticed by Melissa and she again asked "What happened Ana? You two are completely fine right?

"Ay ay old lady don't think too much we both are fine" She smiles waving her hairs dramatically, in the process her hickey which Taehyung gave her last night came visible to Melissa and she looks at it with widen eyes and a huge smile came on her face, Ana noticed her reaction and look at her neck and realized what she saw, loosing her face color she immediately hides it with her hairs and tried walk passing her.
"Ima head inside I'm tired... Aish Melissa You're making me stand here you know how much I walked yesterday ahhh I'm tired" She cried out going inside leaving Melissa behind and she follows her with a small chuckle "Yes, yes you are tired I know why" She jokes and Ana's face turned red hearing her she ignored her comment and ran inside.


Meanwhile Taehyung-

As soon as he gets inside he looked for his phone and called someone.


Jimin.... I need you to find out about those deadbodies as soon as possible...

Yeah, you didn't left any trance of their bodies and evidence behind right?

Okay, good inform me asap.


He hung up the call looking at the door for Ana, luckily she didn't came in the room as he sighed and plops down on the bed looking at ceiling, his mind wandering... It isn't what he is thinking.....right?

Ana comes in the room watching her husband lying on bed so tiredly she pouts looking at him thinking he must be tired but the image of him of last night going almost crazy came in her mind and a shiver ran down her spine remembering his chuckle and his words "YOU DARED TO TOUCH WHATS MINE"......"MINE"  getting goosebumps all over her body her face turned red thinking of him claiming her as his.

Should I talk to him about last night? She thought staring him.

Taehyung noticed her presence as he gets up and sat normally on the bed looking at her, his heart beating fast thinking 'did she heard that?' Because of the way she was looking at him. He grew nervous as he stood up scratching his neck "What happened?" He asked normally as Ana came out of her trance and shakes her head "Nothing" She laughs it off "Ah..I'll go take a shower" He got up and rans in the bathroom leaving the awkward situation.

Ana eyes him and smiles "Did he got shy?" She asked herself.


The Next Day-

At Taehyung's office-

*Ring Ring*

Taehyung picks up his phone watching the caller ID he hums.


Your doubt was right. The goons are from 2 different countries, 2 of them are from Russia while the other one is from Italy and the shocking thing is they were in Busan from past 3 months but came to Seoul few weeks ago and were in continuous contact with  Italy....

Hearing this Taehyung face got pale, his mind went blank for a few secs before coming back in his usual dark self, his chest tightens as he narrowed his eyes and speak.

"It's been 7 years Jimin... 7 fucking years... I'll fucking bury them alive this time, they're messing with the wrong Kim Taehyung I'm not the person what I used to be back then.


The biggest mistake they did is involved my family in this.

They started the game now I'll END it.

His jaw clenched in anger as he hung up the call fuming in anger he smirks "TIME FOR SOME SHOW"



HIS 2ND CHOICE | KTH |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora