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"YESS YESS YESS" I shout angrily.

"S-Sir,,, mam is ca-"

"I get it! now leave. I'll be down in few minutes." I shout in an annoyed tone.

Eyes half open, I rub my one eye harshly feeling annoyed by the maids my mom sends the fifth time to woke me up early, It's my wedding today ahhh *sigh lazily* getting up in pyjamas I went to bathroom for freshening up.

I look myself in the mirror seeing my saddens face, I can't go back now besides this is for Tannie, I want him to be happy, washing my face I went downstairs.



"Taehyung you took so long you need to get dressed hurry up or we'll gonna be late! Mr & Mrs Kang will be there in no time" my mother chant happily, can't she looks at my face I'm not happy about this can she stop being so joyful, I thought looking at her smiling face. My gaze fell on my life, my love "Tannie" I looked at him he was all happy and cheerful getting ready for the wedding, he wore a suit and a cute bow, maids gelling his hairs to side, I smiles looking at him being this happy makes me happy too.

"Dad" he looks at me with his cute little doe eyes which surely he has gotten from his mother.

"Yes love" I smile opening my hands for him to hug me and he did ran towards me hugged me. I inhales his scent, this is the only feeling which is keeping me alive till now. "Why haven't you gotten ready yet, we need to leave, you don't wanna be late on your wedding hmm" he softly speaks making eye contact with me, I chuckles at his tone "Ohh yeah I'm gonna change, or else we'll gonna be late" I said patting his shoulder. I didn't slept at all last night, I was thinking about this all that my life's gonna be change, I never imagined marrying twice and to my knowledge I cried myself to sleep thinking about her.

*Wedding banquet hall*

"Mom, help this is not zipping up" my hands were at the back of my dress, fiddling with the zip of my gown, aissh did it got struck?

"Here, let me. I got this" my mom handled me some hairpins and zipped up my gown. "Thankyou" i said sitting on the chair to get my makeup done. I saw some girls coming in the room to doll up me, smiling at me one of them said "Omo you're really pretty, your husband is lucky to get a natural beauty" I blushed at her comment  "Thankyou" thanking her I turned around the mirror. My mom smiles at me and said "I'm going to check on your dad and will wait outside until you're done okay?" I nod then she went outside.

The girls started their work, one curling my hairs while the other one checking foundations as to which is gonna suit me the best, I closed my eyes and inhale deeply, my mind wandering how's gonna Taehyung behave, will Tannie like me? most importantly will Taehyung accept me? I've thought of many ways to make his heart flutter and to make him fall for me cause that's the only thing I want, for God's sakes I'm marrying him, i don't want to live my life without my husband's love, and not when your husband is this hot and handsome. We don't wanna let him waste his beauty and youth just like that right?

'But what if he'll not fall for you, you're going to die virgin Ana' my stupid mind tells me 'shut up he'll fall for me' I don't want to get old without experiencing the beauty of love, every girl have planned her future already in her teen age, like how will she spend her life with her other half, what sweet things she's gonna do and all that stuff, I've done too, but let's say God didn't wanted me to spend my life that easily so he did this, He pushed me in the situation where I've to earn his love by playing hard, This isn't going to be like every other couples life, They meet, grows feeling, fall for each other and then marry and next comes their family, Dang!

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