"W-we can't stay here now, he could've been seen." I could see the tears glistening in her eyes, "Well don't just stand there Harry! Take off the enchantments." Harry nodded but then froze as I locked eye contact with him. "Harry?" Hermione froze with him as her eyes met mine too.

"Fascinating charms you three or two have used." I crunched through the leaves and disabled all of their charms. "I'm terribly sorry about Ron, it's a shame."

Harry's arm shook as he raised his arm, "Stay back!" Hermione followed in his steps and my face grew worried.

"Harry put down your wand please." He stayed put, not moving one inch, "I said," I waved my hand causing both of their arms to follow my command, "Put your wands down!" I walked closer and just circled around them. What do I do...I have to make them fear me but also I can't ruin whatever they've been working on. "A horcrux?" I bent down and picked up Slytherin's locket from the damp ground.

"Don't touc-"

"I'm not gonna take it." I looked at the two of them with the coldest look possible, "It's only what? One of seven-ish." I threw it back down at his feet. "Look, I am supposed to take you, Harry, to Malfoy manor while Hermione is sent to the ministry." Hermione's eyes shook in fear and she started to struggle as Harry did the same.

"Well we're not going anywhere with you! Traitor!! I knew you let Sirius die on purp-"

I slammed Harry against the closest tree and held him by his scrawny neck, "I would never ever! Do that to poor Sirius..." I released Hermione without showing that I did and allowed her to pick up her wand as I kept my attention on Harry. "You know...I've always wanted to get my revenge on your parents for all the pain they brought me." I squeezed his neck watching the color drain from his face as his feet kicked. Hermione hurry up! I don't want to hurt him... "You'll do just fine. Lily's eyes and James's face." I smirked through all my pain as I horribly watched him struggle more and more. Right as I was so close to stopping Hermione brutally attacked my back with a petrifying charm causing me to fall onto my back on the cold floor. Little does she know, this spell only lasts seconds on me. However I just listened as the two of them scurried around collecting their items and cracking away with apparition.

Entry 238 March 27th 1998

Dear... oh who gives a damn I know who I'm writing to. Severus I can't I just CAN'T! I just want to see you...Harry was caught and taken to malfoy manor today but thank heavens he managed to escape. I thought for a split second we were doomed. I...

I stopped writing as tears began to devour the page. Two hundred thirty eight days since I've been held, since I've kissed, since I have even seen my husband's face! It's bloody torcher that's what it is! I composed myself and on top of the tears I finished my letter before sending it away in flames.

    -I love you, Y/n Snape

How much longer. How much longer am I going to have to live like this? I feel like I'm trapped in Malfoy Manor once again no...it's more like when I was tricked into being a full fledged death eater and was told not to visit any loved ones. That's exactly what it's like except I did this on my own will neither Bellatrix nor Lucius dragged me out of my house to do this this time, I curled up into a ball against the closest tree and just began to weep and weep till the sun came up and started to burn my face.

Entry 273 May 1st 1998

    Severus...my father has decided my work here will be done soon. That's too far...I don't know how close soon is...I can't I just ca-

I wrote a huge black line across the page as my worst fear came to life. I looked down at my neck and looked at the white crystal that was illuminating the dark woods. No... Immediately I grasped onto the crystal and apparated to wherever Severus was, he needs me. Whether Harry's nearby or he's in danger, I have an excuse to see my love early.

The dark gloomy great hall of Hogwarts came into view. I looked as students were backed against the wall terrified at the duel that was in action. I scanned the center and noticed Harry was across from Severus however it wasn't them dueling. Minnie finally has rebelled. I smiled but held in my excitement, YOU GO GIRL! I came between the two of them and flicked her spell away towards the wall.

"Miss me, Mother?" She froze with her wand stuck out. "Seriously, I wasn't expecting you to rebel out of everyone. No matter." Quickly she shot three spells at me which I easily reflected. However she then sent a spell barreling towards Severus which I apparated in front of taking the hit.

"When will you learn? You should know not to mess with my husband." I stood there before stumbling. My hand gripped my chest and I howled for a moment. A large gash was embedded on my chest and blood was quickly seeping into my clothing and dripping onto the floor. Severus stood in front of me and covered for me while I healed.

"Minerva, that was the final straw." McGonagal still stood there in silence as she battled back and forth with Severus. I know he's pretending to send her a message of hatred but I know Minerva is still in pain that she has just heavily injured the child she raised and is now having to deal with her son in law. My left arm stinged as it screamed retreat. I looked up at Severus's arm and watched it twitch too. Slowly he backed up towards me and I took his hand as the two of us turned into black clouds.

"COWARDS!" McGonagall screeched at the two of us, if she only knew...

(Authors note: I know these past two chapters have been short but honestly they are filler chapters because I wasn't trying to do a time skip the size of 10 months roughly)

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