Epilogue: What We're Going to do for the Rest of our Lives

Start from the beginning

She pointed her thumb over her shoulder to Charlie, who had just walked back in with Alex sitting on her shoulder. Alex gurgled happily and slapped his hands as Charlie bounced.

Lin sighed and looked away.

"Fine I won't bring it up."

"Good." Beatrice said. "And if you do, I'm throwing you into the ocean."

"I'll do anything to avoid a fight." He said. "I've been enjoying retirement too much to throw another punch ever again for the rest of my life. Something really crazy would have to happen to get me to fight again."

"You can always come live on my island." Beatrice said. "The other side though. You can't stay in my evil lair. I might get sick of you if I have to see you every day."

"Thanks, but I think I'm going to keep my citizenship." He said.

"Suit yourself."

TJ walked back over, and held the baby out.

"Do you want to hold her?" He asked.

"Uhm—" Beatrice flushed. "I'm not great with babies— uhm."

TJ handed the baby over anyway, and Beatrice awkwardly bounced her in her arms. She looked down at the tiny thing— pink and squishy, with few black curls on top of her head.

"Uh, she looks just like— uhm—"

She looked at the baby and back between the two of them. TJ pointed at Lin.

"Yes. Of course. Like you." She said.

"Don't lie, all babies look the same." Lin said.

The baby frowned, and then started to whimper, which quickly turned into a screech.


Beatrice held it out for someone else to take it. Lin stepped in and grabbed her, and the baby instantly calmed down.

"You didn't tell me you were going to have a baby." Beatrice said.

TJs cheeks turned pink, and he looked away.

"If you came to visit more—"

Beatrice blinked at him.

"I came to your wedding." She said.

"That was last year."

"I'm sorry, TJ. I just don't think I can ever go back." She said. "After I kidnapped Charlie and saved those people, well— I thought I could handle it, but all of the attention made me anxious and insecure and miserable. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone."

"Well, I guess I'll just have to come here more often."

She smiled.

"I'd like that."

"Also, you didn't tell me you stole babies out of the trash in your spare time."

Beatrice shrugged.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything. Your husband is a total narc."

"Eh— you're not wrong." He said.

"Besides, I couldn't just leave him there."

"Charlie told me he was going to be a 'main character' one day." He said. There was an amused smile on his face.

Beatrice chuckled a little bit, and leaned against the counter.

"Yeah, she says that all of the time."

"She seems really happy here." TJ said.

"I think so too." She said. She watched Charlie roll around on the floor and laugh with Alex, and couldn't even stop herself from smiling. "I was worried she wouldn't like leaving the city, but she's seemed happy ever since we got here. Just like when I first met her."

"What about you?"


"Are you happy, B?" He asked her.

"Yes." She said. It was a question she had answered many times before, but this time she meant it. "I am."

Omg you guys I made it to the end.

I'll try to spare you guys from my drunk 'I love you guys' speech, but that's hard when I'm drunk and I luv u guys.

Anyway, thanks for reading this silly thing I wrote, where I decide writing serious stuff was dumb and stupid, and I was just going to be the homosexual clown I know I am on the inside. *HONK HONK*

Can't wait to edit all 90k words of this unedited mess. Geez. Pray for me.

If you want something else to read in the meantime, I have this story I've been working on, UNHOLY, based on the terrible, awful, no good, very bad year I've had.

It's high fantasy and it's queer and diverse. I made a mood board so u can get the idea.

If you don't want to read it that's cool too. I'll stop word vomiting now.


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TTYL. <3

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