Kyoko went to UA staying in the dorms while ______ took the day off with Mina.

"It's been way too long since we last did this." Mina said sitting down near _____ as they have their own stay at home spa day doing nails and relaxing with a movie and drinks.

"Mhmm, the kids are out, no husbands and no problems." _____ said smiling.

"The best outcome." Mina adds in as they laugh together.

Mina turned to _____. "You know I sent Emori out the other day to get groceries with a list and he still had to call me. Everyday he reminds me just how similar he is to his father." Mina said laughing softly,

"Kenji's the same way, or he'll just end up buying his own meals and snacks."

"I can't believe they've grown up so fasttt" Mina whined.

"Ya..and now Kyoko's at UA too..what are we suppose to do without kids?" _____ said tilting her head back to look at her.

"Live happily?" Mina said before they both laughed together drinking their alcohol.

Their day together lasted till midnight when Kirishima and Emori came home from work.

______ looked over at them.

Both Mina and ______ on the floor against the couch instead of actually sitting on the couch. They both were laughing to themselves their face pink.

"..Mina" Kirishima said looking at them then the coffee table where there was one of his strong alcohols. And a few wines.

"How much did you two drink!?" He asked grabbing the bottle frowning at his empty glass.

Mina shushed ______ laughing to not tell him.

"Mrs.Bakugou..should I call Mr.Bakugou?" Emori asked trying to help her and his mother up.

"Nooo she's staying!" Mina said hugging ______'s waist to stay on the floor laughing again.

"Just go get changed I'll deal with them." Kirishima told Emori who just nods walking up to his room.

Kiri looked at the two women and sighed calling Katsuki's phone.


"You still working?"

"Ya I'm about to head home. Why?"

"Come over and get your wife."

"She's still there!?"

"They drank the entire damn bottle..the one-"

"THE ONE I TOLD YOU TO HIDE FOR US!?" Katsuki yelled as Kirishima sighed.

Kirishima got both girls onto the couch.

Mina just hugging his arm to lay with them.



"You guys talk so much" ______ said closing her eyes.

Katsuki got to the house finally and walked in as Kiri opened the door.

He looked over seeing ______ and Mina asleep now.


"Hey at least they had fun." Kiri said smiling.

Katsuki sighed walking over and trying to wake _______.

"Hey, get up."


"Hah!? Don't shush me get up!" Katsuki said but she just turned her body away before he grabbed her by the waist picking her up.

"You need help?"

Desire (Bakugou X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن