I had this place decked out. There was a huge sign in neon lights that said Breezy's World, a wall of paints, every single color, all colors of spray paint, any type of brushes he needed. I had big ass TV's in here, the place had surround sound for when he plays his music. There was a lounge area, a little dispensary, a bar fully stocked with his favorites, a snack area that had enough to be a damn convenience store. I went all out for my husband. I made sure the outside was painted a color that was easy enough for him to paint over. It's in a secluded area, so no one would bother him.

This place was perfect.

"There's so much fucking space in here Chris, it'd probably take you a year to paint the inside and then you have the entire outside to do as well."

"This amazing baby. I love it so much thank you. And it's perfect timing too." He said while pulling me closer to him.

"Really why?"

"I finally put Tarzana on the market."

My eyes grew. "Are you serious?"

"Very...after the little situation with hoody and me just trying to switch up shit in my life, I decided that it was time for something different. So last week I called our realtor and told him I was ready to put it up for sale."

"Aw baby. Are you sure this is what you wanna do? What about your studio?"

"If you dont mind, I could put it in here. I was looking for a place but this could work."

"Hey, this is your building. You do whatever you want with it."

He nodded then smiled. "I love this so much...and you."

"I love you too Papi." I puckered my lips and he quickly kissed them. His hand wrapped around the front of my neck and he turned so that we were face to face.

"Wanna break this place in? I plan on fucking you here, a lot."

I lifted up my dress. "I'd love to."

He walked me over to a table and turned me around to where my back was against his chest then pushed my upper body down on it. I looked back as he undid his sweats and as soon as he was in me, I let out a shaky breath.

His hands gripped my waist tight as he stroked in and out of me. He was so deep and I was trying to find something to hold onto but there was nothing. We've been fucking since New Years Eve night, literally. All over the house, the jet, in the car on the way to Malibu we found somewhere to pull over. When we got to Malibu, we slept most of the day then woke up, went to dinner came home, fucked the night away.

I would say we're definitely caught up on lost times. Thank god I'm not ovulating and for this birth control because it would be bad and I don't think I want a baby right now.

After we finished up in there, we FINALLY headed home. As soon as we pulled up in front of the house, my phone and Chris's phone buzzed. I took mine out my purse and it was my mom.

"Did my mom text you too?" I asked Chris.

H nodded. "She wants everybody to come up to your dads restaurant tonight at 7...why?"

"I have no idea but if she wants everybody it has to be something important. Is anybody sick? Do you think my dad is sick?"

"I don't know baby but we'll find out."

Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant