Part 11

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"Sugar Cub look at your strips," Frypan said so I looked down and saw my strips were a black color like my wings. I was confused as to why they were.

"Fey, are my parents still here?" I asked holding her shoulders.

"Yeah, they should be East in the canyon. Why you ask?" She responded. I gave Alby one look and he knew what I was thinking.

"It's a personal matter, Fey. One that only Alby and I will understand," I said answering her question.

"Hey, we got Dimitri out of the bottle, would you like to say hi real quick?" Newt asked. I couldn't refuse Fey's wide eyes, practically begging me to say yes.

"Fine, but it's going to be quick," I said, and Newt led us to Dimitri. He was completely different from the Spiritshifter. He was kind and respected my boundaries.

When I told him about Alby and I being married and being the leaders of the Guardians.

He said, "That's great! I'm glad you guys are the leaders, because honestly," he lowered his voice dramatically. "Fey is way too stubborn for her own good." Fey turned around.

"Hey!" she said, looking offended.

"How did you manage to rope Newt into a relationship with you anyway?" he asked, teasing.

"If anyone was roped into the relationship, it was me. He was the one who kissed me first," she retorted, smiling. We all looked at Newt, who blushed.

"Oh, now you have to tell the story," Dimitri said, and we all laughed.

"You matured a lot since the last time I saw you. I'll tell you the story later because I saw it all unfold," I said whispering the last part so Fey didn't hear.

"Yeah, let's just say that I had a good talking to when my parents came to the other side," Dimitri said while giving an awkward smile. It was the same smile Fey gives.

"You still have that awkward smile." I said messing with him, "Anyways I have to ask my mom and dad about my stripes. As they have gotten darker over the day that I was out."

"Okay see you later Tigris," Dimitri said. He seemed so happy, I wonder why? It's just weird I haven't seen him so happy before. I'll ask him about it later. I thought. You know I can hear your thoughts sweetheart. *scream* Alby laughed at me, I just gave him a pouty face. That was the first time in 200+ years that he was able to scare me.

"What? It was hilarious that you screamed," Alby said.

"Yeah, that's the thing I don't scream. And you haven't scared me like that in 200+ years." I sassed him.

*gasp* "How dare you?" He said putting a hand over his heart, "I wouldn't do such a thing to my wife." I gave him a look, then we both just busted up laughing.

"I can't believe how much you two are exactly like us," dad said. Now it was Alby's turn to scream I just laugh at him as he did with me.

"Okay I got karma," Alby said.

"Anyways the reason that we came to see you, guys was because of my stripes," I said showing my parents that my stripes have turned black.

"I fear that this would happen," dad said.

"What do you mean?" Alby and I said at the same time.

"You're bond with Alby has become stronger with what you did 2 days ago. That pain you had made your stripes black. Your stripes indicate how strong you are. So with yours, it means that you are stronger than me my little tiger cub," dad said I just look at him like he was crazy.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, you mean to tell us that she is the strongest?" Alby asked.

"Yes, in fact, the strongest of the family in over 300,000 years, Alby," dad answered, I was dazed at this point.

"John darling I think you broke our daughter," mom said pointing out how I looked.

"I guess I have my love," dad said, chuckling then I shook out of it.

"Sorry, I had to process what you just said. Because it is all new information," I said.

"It's okay my darling, I understand you need some time to process it," mom said, and dismissed me. When we got back to camp, I saw that everyone was packing up their things and loading them onto vehicles.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked Fey as she was lifting a box.

"W.I.C.K.E.D. knows this location, so we're moving camp. I hear we're going someplace with water," she said excitedly and put the box in a vehicle.

"What about Minho?" I asked, hysteria creeping into my voice. Her smile faded.

"That's going to take some time Tigris. Trust me, I know you want to get him right now, but we need to plan the best way to get in, then him, and back out. Sneaking into one of W.I.C.K.E.D.'s facilities is going to take a couple of months, we just need to be patient and train in the meantime so we can be at our finest when the hour comes," she said, and some of my panics ebbed away.

"Okay," I replied while picking up 100 boxes in one hand. Everyone just stared at me shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"You just picked up 100 boxes with no problem at all, they've just seen me pick up two," Fey said.

"Yeah, so? They're not heavy," I said. Fey stared at me like I was being stupid on purpose.

"It takes two people to lift one box, chill out," she said and rolled her eyes. Dimitri materialized out of nowhere.

"BOO!" he yelled, trying to scare Fey and me. She turned around and stared at him. "I thought for sure that would scare you." He sounded disappointed.

"Tigris and I are both trained assassins, we can't be scared easily. Well, she gets scared less easily than I do, but you get the point," she said.

"I haven't gotten scared in like 200+ years. Until I found out that me and Alby can read each other's thoughts," I said.

"Oh, Newt and I can do that too," Fey said. Dimitri rolled his eyes.

"Fey, you can read everyone's minds," he said, and I laughed.

"And Newt has to deal with it for the rest of his life," I said in mid-laugh.

"So forever?" Fey asked playfully. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"No," I said sarcastically. "YES, You Fudging Dufus." We all laughed. Newt walked over.

"Whatchya laughing about?" He asked.

"How about I DON'T tell you. That one is on Fey," I said smiling and walking away.

"OR, how about you guys tell me about how you two got together!" Dimitri said, playfully smirking. Fey sighed.

"I was hoping you'd forget about that," she said.

*gasp* "I'LL TELL YOU!" I yelled really excitedly.

"Tigris, you weren't even there," Fey said.

"Oh I was, but you didn't see me, same with Alby," I said with a cheeky grin.

"WHAT?!" she yelled, causing everyone to stop and look at us. It was perfect, I was going to embarrass her and Newt. I opened my mouth to speak, but found I couldn't say anything.

"Ohmygoodness, Ican'tbelieveIjustdidthatI'msosorry," Fey said quickly and made a swirling motion with her hand. I recognized it as an undoing spell. I gasped and found I could speak again.

"What. Was. That?" I asked.

"Umm, I involuntarily stopped your muscles from moving. Well technically it was your vocal cords, but yeah," she said, giving me an apologetic smile. It was more like a grimace.

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