Part 10

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"Tigris who is that?" Frypan asked pointing to my parents.

"That would be my mother Maleficent and my father John. They're here from the realm of the spirits to help me train. The other three are Fey's parents and older brother. It's all because of Fey that they're here," I said.

"Woah, you and Newt look a lot like your parents. That's crazy you look more like your dad but with longer brown hair and Newt looks more like your mom but with short blonde hair," Thomas said.

"I know I'm more like my dad personality-wise too." I said, "I get to visit the spirit realm whenever my parents need to speak with me. I never really understood you two even though you're my parents." Looking at them, but dad had his noise in the book that I gave him to look throw.

"And that proves my point," I said.

"What?" dad said not catching what I said. I sighed shaking my head.

"I just saying that what your doing is proving a point," I said to my dad giving him a 'really' face.

"Oh come on I'm not that bad," dad said as a dad joke, I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Tigris," Fey said, she had silently walked over to me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I honestly think my father might be scarier than yours," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Your father is reading a book, trying to help you, and my father is currently scrutinizing every single person here," she laughed. I looked over and sure enough, her dad was examining everyone.

"Oh no he doesn't," I said through greeted teeth.

"Tigris, calm down. It's his way of protecting me. He wants to see that the people I hang around to care about my well-being. Trust me, I know he approves of every person here," she said quickly.

"But no one speaks to someone I have taken under my wing like that," I said.

"Oh, he already approves of the Gladers, he knows you have good judgment," she said.

"Then he should know not to mess with my family," I said balling up my fists. Fey sighed.

"I think you misunderstand me, he would never mess with the family of one he respects so much. He just is looking at each person, seeing how they treat me. He's kind of where I get the mind powers from," she said, and I noticed she looked exhausted.

"Get some rest Fey, we had a long day," I said placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Soldier," I yelled at Fey's father which he tensed up.

"Yes ma'am," He said standing at the ready.

"Pay attention to your daughter, and that's an order," I said. He nodded and went to take care of Fey. Everyone just looked at me like 'did that just happen?' Well everyone expected mom, dad, and Alby.

"Go ahead and ask," I said knowing they all have the same question.

"How were you able to do that?" Newt asked.

"Me and Alby are the new leaders of the guardians," I said simply.

"I'm awake," Fey said looking at me wide-eyed but then laying back down, instantly falling asleep. I shook my head because Fey was being her typical self.

"Okay everyone, get some rest then we start working tomorrow," I said.

"Yes, ma'am," said the boys that were left.

"Why don't you tell me why you hate me so much?" Dimitri asked.

"You flirted with me one too many times when you knew full well that I wasn't into you. So back off," I said.

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