Part 8

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After a couple of minutes later I heard W.I.C.K.E.D's helicopters coming.

"They're coming," I yelled in my tiger's voice making sure that everyone heard me. I jumped down the side of the mountain. I rolled once I hit the ground grabbing my bow and arrows. They started to shout at us when they were lading. But I shot at their helicopter blades with exploding arrows. I manage to take two down so there will be fewer men to fight. But the last three landed two had just men. The last one had none other than the Ava Page, the founder of W.I.C.K.E.D.

"Ava," I muttered through gritted teeth. I stayed in the back of the group. Everyone was forced to their knees, all except for Teresa. They started to scan the back of our necks, recording it on a clipboard. Janson stopped at Fey. He reached a hand out to touch her scar and she kicked his legs out from under him and put up an ice shield in front of everyone. I on the other hand was on the other side. Janson stood back up and brushed the dirt off of himself.

"This one was the most problematic," he said and pointed to her.

"Yeah? Maybe you should think about how people like me feel when you make it illegal to exist," she retorted, her voice full of venom. A gash appeared on Janson's face, but it wasn't from her ice. The magic in her voice that had caused the harm.

Ava Page stepped forward and said, "I have tried hard to dilute the siren powers in our world, but I see I haven't done a good enough job." Fey's hands clenched into fists, and she started glowing.

"STAND DOWN AVA!!!!" I yelled which made my voice bounces off of the canyon walls. That's when Fey realized that I wasn't there with them.

Ava turned to her men and said, "Find her." I was jumping from spot to spot to keep myself well hidden.

"TIGRIS NO!" Fey and Alby yelled at me.

Uncle Phil whispered to them saying, "By the sound of her voice she knows what she's doing. Trust her, that's all we can do right now is to trust her and her plan." I took the handgun that I have and shot them all down that were searching for me.

"You won't win Ava," I continued to yell.

"Oh, really what makes you think that?" She asked.

"My powers have grown a lot stronger the last time we met," I said.

*scoff* "Yeah, hard to believe you when you hide your face. Why don't you come out and face us," Janson yelled. I turned into my tiger and snook upon them killing a couple more of their men silently. Then hid on the other side and transformed back. I knew that everyone from the Right Arm saw but they didn't say anything. Because they didn't want me to be 'killed'. I hung the men that I killed with vines.

"I would suggest you look at your numbers," I said.

"W-what?!?" Janson said then looked up same with Ava.

"How is that possible? We didn't even see you?" Ava asked.

*chuckle* "That's the thing, Ava, I'm a high-level assassin. I know how to kill someone without me or anyone else making a sound," I said.

"You know that being an assassin is one of many laws you can break, same with murder," Janson said.

"Yeah and also existing. So I guess that I'm breaking three laws then huh?" I asked.

"You little-" Janson started

"Language!" I yelled louder than I've ever had before. I noticed that Minho had gotten on the other side. I don't know how but he was.

"Fine then well take your precious little Minho," Ava said.

"NOOOO!" I yelled running out of hiding towards them with my spare in hand. I started to fight the men but I was too late they had already taken him. Fey tried to help me but was held back by Newt and Daniel. Once the last one of their men died. I fell onto my knees cried in pain. Uncle Phil and Alby come up to me and hugged me.

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