Part 4

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"Well, when a human and non-human/part-human have a child, that child has a fifty percent chance of inheriting different traits. Tigris got all of the part-human and non-human traits, while you only got your father's human traits. Daniel only got part of his mother's shapeshifting abilities, and because my parents were both part siren, I was guaranteed to be a part-human," she replied to Newt's question.

"Part of what she's saying is that she almost turned human when she was in the coma," I explained.

"Well, not human, but mortal. There is a difference," Fey corrected me.

"Close enough," I said. She rolled her eyes. Someone knocked on the door and I answered it. It was Janson. I stiffened slightly, but not enough for him to notice.

"I would like to talk with Fey," he said.

"Heyyyyyy," I said awkwardly then I did a mental facepalm.

Fey walked forward and said, "Okay, what do you want?"

"I would like a private talk with you." This time it was Newt who stiffened.

"Nope," I said getting ready to go into kill drive.

She turned around and said, "It's fine, he's our friend, remember?" Then she mouthed, ACT NORMAL!

"Your right Fey. He is our friend," I said. I mouthed back, Send me a message when you need help, and don't be stubborn, please?  She nodded her head in understanding. Then left with Janson to "talk".

-After Lunch-

"Newt, help... me," "Fey?" "Help... someone... please," Fey sounded weak and hurt. I did a location spell and found her on the other side of the building. "Fey, go in the vents and stay there until someone comes to get you, alright?" There was no reply. I grabbed my bow and arrows and the spare that I made the night I was in the maze.

"Tigris where are you going?" Alby asked.

"Fey needs my help I'll be back and keep everyone here in the room. Gladers stay here and listen to Alby, I have a bone to pick," I said as I walked out of the room. I started to run faster and faster while my dad's dog tags start to glow. Which helped me run faster than ever before. I ran into Aris and told him everything.

"I can get her through the vents," Aris said.

"Okay, I'll go where the guards are and take them down," I said. "Oh, here's where she's at." Give him a map with an x on where she is. Once at the door of the room with a keypad. I used the key card that I took off a guard a while back. But thank goodness it worked and I got in. I saw the men had their guns pointed at the vent where Fey and Aris went.

I draw my bow with a net arrow and yelled in my tiger voice, "BACK UP, NOW!!!!" They turned and point their guns at me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I said as I shot the arrow that was loaded in my bow. Which pined them against the wall and no matter hard they try to get out they couldn't. It got tighter the more they move. They even dropped their guns, so I grabbed them. I went up to them and took all of their extras along with them even their ammo.

"Don't mess with my family," I warned them.

"Yes ma'am," One of them said. I released them then I started my way back running through the halls. I started to hear yelling. "They've given us food, clothing, and shelter, Thomas! We haven't had that in a long time, some longer than others," Newt was saying, his voice raised. So I ran faster and kicked down the door. We all saw the vent slide across the floor. Before Thomas could say anything though. Fey slid out from under the bed, so she was visible from the waist up. There were scars all over her arms, and the fabric was ripped. Her cheek was bleeding badly, and her eyes had a haunted look in them. When I looked closer, I noticed her blood was silver-tinted blue, and it shimmered in the light. She said,

"We have to go, NOW." I wasted no time directing everyone where to go and what to grab. While Minho, Newt, and Daniel helped Aris and Fey out of the ventilation shafts. I handed everyone a gun, with extra ammo and quickly taught them how to use them.

"Alright everyone watches each other's six," I directed.

"Uh, Tigris some of us don't know what that is," Minho stated.

"She means watch each other's back," Alby clarified.

"Are you guys coming or not," I said already out the door.

"We're coming, we're coming," Newt said as I handed Alby the keycard, my bow, and arrows. I gave Fey my spear and sachel. Then transformed into a tiger.

"Newt, Daniel, and Fey get on my back. We will get to the door faster," I said they just stood there. "Don't just stand there, get on my back now or we'll die."

"Okay, okay, okay," Newt said as they hopped on. Newt was carrying Fey in his arms. We got Teresa, which she is a real pain, but I deal with it. Then we ran to the door. Once at the door, I heard Janson's voice ordering his men around.

"Newt, Daniel hop off." They did as they were tolled and I transformed back, "Alby give me my bow and arrows. And open the door and get everyone out." Once I got them on I saw Janson at the end of the hall. I loaded my bow and got ready to shoot.

"Oh, Tigris. I thought we were friends," Janson acted hurt.

"We were until you manipulated me. So I would have pity on you. That was until I found out who you really are or what you are really," I said.

"Then what am I?" he said acting innocent.

"A monster, more than us Eternals," I said.

"That is not true, your whole family are monsters. In every inch of their being," He said to me mostly. I shot an arrow strat into one of his men killing them instantly. It came back to me in the same spot it was on my bow.

"Don't EVER call my family monsters. The reason why we protect the Fountain of Youth is that it will make just a simple man like you into something that your like," I snarled.

"Oh, please, that's not true at all and you know it," He said.

"It is trust me. I've seen mortals much like yourself take from the Fountain of Youth. They turned into a monster or dust," I continued.

"Tigris, come on," I heard Alby say. I shot one more of his men the same thing happens as last time. Then I ran toward everyone and got there in time. I took the butt of my gun and hit the keypad destroying it.

"Come on, let's get out of here," I ordered running as everyone followed close behind. We managed to get out in time, even Newt, who was carrying Fey on his back. Now we have to deal with the cranks that are out here great.

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