Chapter 33

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The whole family is downstairs and ready and everyone is checking that their weapons are ready and intact

"So ready we about to kill that bitch and her pack and get my sister's back" Natasha says

"Natasha you are bringing a machete really?" Gavin ask

"Yes because I won't be asking questions I'll just be taking of heads I have to I'm up against animal and I'm human gotta find different ways to have claws and teeth" she says

"Wait for us you are not leaving us behind" Charlotte and Valentina say

"You guys can't come too" I say

"Yes we will Krew they took our sisters and we aren't gonna stay and wait for you to save them they spoke for us and we will go help get them" Charlotte says

"okay whatever you guys can come but you have to be careful we only have one chance to get them out" Gavin says

"yes its best if we all go together the more family memebers the better now lets get moving my mate is not gonna die at the hands of that bitch" Krew says

"oh trust we will get our mate back and i will kill that bitch and her son as soon as i get my hands on them" Gavin says

"No leave alexander and Helen to me and Krew please" Colton says 

"Fine that understandable but everyone else there will be dying at my claws and Wrath" Gavin says and we all make our way to the Location Colton gave us 

Girls Pov

wev've been in this dungeon for days they haven't come for us or Kurt which is weird but i rather be here then anywhere around them Kurt has come back from consciousness you could say and he explained to us that no matter what he did its like he was in a sinking  in a deep hill and couldn't get better he knew that Helen was evil deep down but he couldn't figure out how he felt there but there was nothing he could see because each day he woke up and was back in love and saw Helen as a loving mother and wife. 

we hear footsteps coming an i already start regretting the day 

"well, well good day guys how do you feel about attending our pack party" Alexander taunts

"i rather die or rot then be anywhere near you and that so called mothers of yours" i say

"well i can't let that happen princess revenge first then your death or i could marry one of you" he says laughing

"no one in their right mind would ever choose you especially after you killing your mate cause she was human your worlds she disgusting and worthless but i think you got it wrong your the pathetic, disgusting, and worthless shithole and should of done many others a favor and killed yourself and your mother would been a token on top of that" Emme says

"you don't get it do you? y'all can fight all we want but we already won its time to accept it and i am going to be alpha best not upset me okay chunks" he says

"where is my son Alexander? what have you done to him why are you and your mother doing this i don't get it" i say

"This is me and my mom taking over Kurt your son the supposed True Alpha lost his sad pathetic self to me i killed him i deserve to be alpha i prove time after time Colton fails and he true alpha because he's related to Krew i don't care and neither does my mother there's another way to be true alpha and that's by killing other True alphas by birth line and  once i kill Krew i will be one now how about that party." Alexander says

"Krew and Colton were always born to be True alphas Alexander you can't take it away no matter if you kill them all its in their bloodline not yours it doesn't come from me it comes from their mothers side  so you cant just steal their powers and become one stop this nonsense you alreayd killed by boy how many more lives need to suffer" Kurt says 

"Do you think we don't know that its their bloodline? i need their mothers blood and who do you think would have it Kurt lets see what about my mom who took care of your ex wife during her death days you guys never saw it, all the teas with poison, the blood she took from her frail body it was the perfect plan and nothing will ruin it and lets not forget getting rid of Krews mom even when she was nowhere near them huh she is power Alexander continues

"she killed my wife, her best friend and now you take away my son and you think ill let you get my nephew ill kill you all myself before you hurt anyone else  mark my words and listen i will kill you and that god forsake woman you call a mother" Kurt yells

"you and what army? i'll see you all upstairs as prisoners to our celebration and beginning of our revenge and takeover" he says and walks upstairs.

Kurt breaks down and Cries and blames himself and we get up and walk over to him 

"Kurt we will get our revenge now stand up and we go show them that they can believe all they want that they are winners but we will succeed and they will get back the pain they have caused and then more and remember Colton is  a fighter and will pull through and he needs us to finish this" i say he nods and we are all escorted outside to all the others  

When we reach outside the whole pack is happy and dancing   and we and Helen starts walking toward us

"Welcome to my beginning of victory reign isn't it sweet the taste of take over" Helen says

"You sick bitch you had my son killed, my wife Helen she was your best friend I promise I'll make you suffer and choke on your own blood" kurt says

"You know I prefer you when you were under my spell and devoted to my love I can be sweet honey but now I just want you to end up in the same burial whole I put your wife and I hated that bitch she got everything and never did right with that power and it's her son that gets to be a true alpha" Helen yells

"Shut the fuck up about all your damn whining poor you this and that God damn you a grown woman you really are pathetic that's why you have no power" I say

"Serena you are making me not want to continue my party and just fight you" Helen yells

"Good then fucking fight us bitch no one wants to be in this pathetic ass place anyway" emme say

"A war is really what you want you defensless humans?" Helen starts and then the door is kicked down and in rushes Krew Colton and Gavin

"A war is what you'll get bitch I'm going to make you regret everything" Gavin yells

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