Chapter 11

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We wake up and of course what causes us to get up is the screeching voice of Jezebel yelling orders or talking and bragging to everyone and their mother about how her daughters got chosen

"God I hate my mom if I can even call her that birth giver sounds better" emme says

"Well you said it first yeah she is getting on my nerves" I say

"Just one more night and we don't have to hear it much hopefully I honestly don't even want to attend the wedding" emme says

"Well knowing Jezebel she'll ask us not too so we don't ruin photos" I say

"I'll only be plotting to ruin her dress it's all I can think of too see her so angry her head explodes" emme laughs

"Right so funny who do you think the boys are choosing to marry" I ask her

"Honestly only good option is Natasha so idk what they are going to do about the the other brother" emme says

"Well I mean her dream is if they both want her soo maybe you never know" I say laughing

"Girl that'll be so hard to handle but if she can handle she can go for it because the option is to constantly see valentina or Charlotte all the time which is not fun" emme says

"I mean at least Charlotte is quiet and keeps her opinions to a minimum soo I guess her" I say

The door is knocked on and emme gets up to open it and its Natasha who walks in

"Good morning guys can I say your mom is so fucking annoying damn she's restless" Natasha says

"Mhmm it's only the beginning till you walk down the aisle" I say

"God like someone needs to shut her the fuck up" Natasha complains

"Only way her dumbass will shut up is if she dies or is killed so I feel along way to go which is why I can't wait to get out of here and not be caught up in this so called family" emme says

"well i mean you guys better not just up and disappear i still need my sisters i know the others suck but we are still close and will always be heck if the guys pick you ill just move in with you guys and life is all good" Natasha says

"Girl please they'd never pick us and yes we will never leave you behind" i Tell her

"okay so i know both of you don't care but tell me which one do you think is cuter like which if you had to choose one i mean we know id pick both" she laughs Natasha ask

"i guess i think the cutest is Gavin but I've never talked to either or but i mean Krew looks good too" Emme says

"i mean Gavin's good looking but an ass and i think id end up killing him so id pick Krew he gives me the creeps but seems like maybe he could be understanding so i hope him for you i guess" i say to her

the door then bust open and in comes the biggest bitch of them all Jezebel

"Natasha are you deaf i have been yelling your name for the past 20 minutes why are you wasting your time around them do you want to ruin our chances too were up against another family do you not realize" Jezebel yells

"Can you shut up god no one wants to hear jezebel and you ruin the whole family  just by being in it you are literal trash gosh i hate you" emme yells

"Emme you can't speak to me your mother like that i gave birth to your ungrateful ass how dare you" She yells

"No one gives a flying fuck about you or anything you have to say got it"  Emme yells

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