Chapter 8

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We walk around the ballroom and look around with extravagant decor and all the girls smiling ear to ear hoping and praying that they'd be chosen to be one of the future brides for Krew and Gavin we walk around servants everywhere attending to all guest and we have yet to see the guest of honors but they have yet to appear but definitely the talk of anticipation is all over the ballroom

"Ugh can you imagine how hot they are going to look" Natasha says

"I bet since they're paying all this their outfits must look good" I say

"Oh come on Serena you gotta admit they are so good looking super hot" Natasha says

"Yes they're pretty good looking but very scary looking too and I don't trust them" I say

"I mean i will agree on the bruting and scary looks but they are attractive" emme says

"Well I'm glad this will be the last ball I attend" I say

"Watch you both get hitched" Natasha says

And we all bust out laughing

"Please me and emme are basically ghost in here and I'd make a terrible wife I neither keep my mouth shut or follow orders" I say

We hear the trumpets start playing and everyone turns towards the stairs and you see grins go from ear to ear and the sick lovey dovey eyes start lord someone hit me

We then see Alessandro descend the stairs by himself and smile

"Good evening everyone and welcome to one of my homes I hope you are enjoying your time I see such lovely people here tonight and I can't wait for the night to commence my sons will start picking someone special tonight and we can't wait to have dinner with the lovely family" he looks scanning the room and his eyes stop at me for a minute weird

"I feel bad for that sorry ass family" I say under my breath and emme chuckles

"Oh come on guys it can't be that horrible and once married we finally get to consumiate the marriage" she says with a sinster grin

"I can hold off that and maybe it's not that great" emme says shrugging

"I'm sure it's spectacular especially with men like those two who must know how but yeah no thanks but you can Definitely tell me all about it because my freedom is more important"   I say

"Could you imagine if out of everyone tonight if one of them would end up proposing to Serena" Natasha says

And we all just start laughing so hard

"Right I mean unless they wanna live a horrible life because I would drive them crazy and they want Jezebel head go explode but honestly that I wouldn't mind" I say

"Can they just come out already" Vanessa says pouting

"Right! and only because it's the faster we can get back Home" I say

"And to think they might pick one of you so we have to go that family dinner that apparently if you're invited one of your kids has been chosen" emme says

"Great so another night where we have to be fake nice and pretending like we like this" I says

"Well I'm gonna go to the bathroom be back" Natasha says

"Wait let me come with, Serena we'll be right back" emme says

"Alright I'll be around" I say

While they head off to the bathroom I have a look around and I start looking around and wandering off and I see a balcony with a pretty view so I head out

Can't Escape Them  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora