Chapter 16

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"What is a mate let's just rip the bandage off?" I say

"Well Krew and Gavin are shapeshiftwes" alessandro starts

"No duh I mean humans don't turn into animals" I say

"You know I just got one question grandma are you one because I'd like to know if one day I'm gonna wake up and have claws?" Natasha ask

"Great question Natasha because I'm wondering the same shit" I say

"No girls I'm human just like you and your parents were too" she's says

"Alright so I'm guessing mates is that these two want to be Serena man's so if they bite her does she change into something like how vampire books work" emme says

"Were not vampires and those don't exist" Gavin says

"I mean can you really say that you two are polar bears and wolves don't you think thats a little contradicting" I say

"How+ it's the truth!" Krew says

"Well you are claiming mythical creatures don't exist well buddy you are sitting right here in front of everyone when you changed into a mythical creature and just because you haven't met one yet doesn't mean they don't exist clearly with what you are" I say

"So you always got a mouth on you huh Serena" Gavin questions

"Well I mean i just state facts and I'm sorry unlike you who probably has Krew's cock in his mouth all the time or let me not be rude you both probably take turns unlike my mouth that only opens to speak and for food, good food specifically so I love to express my thoughts then surpress them" I say

Everyone eyes goes wide then emme and the boys bust out laughing

"I'm sorry I couldn't hold it in anymore" emme says

"Funny Serena great Joke huh" Gavin says

"Well how about a subject change?" alessandro says

"So girls a mate in our world are basically destined partners and to answer your question emme no Serena will not turn into one of us she will stay human" alessandro explain

"Of course i will I'm not marrying them together or separate you got the wrong sis I never wanted to get married and I have rights" I say

"Well Serena I should tell you if it wasn't for us killing you girls parents it would've been other family shapeshifters and none of you were supposed to survive the plan was to erase the entire family your dad and step mom were very hated I mean understanding but were nice compared to others they even tried to kill your grandmother for your father's mistakes when she had nothing to do with it were lucky we got their just in time" alessandro says

"So we pay for the awful piece of shits they were" charlotte says

"I'm still not seeing how you help us" i says

"You all get to survive no one thats here is dying that's alot of help just that everyone here participates in helping around" alessandro says

"As in be maids?" Natasha says

"Yes we have personal helpers but we all help around here that's how you are a true leader" Krew says

"So you're telling me you supernatural princes actually help around here or do you just lay on your ass" I say

"I help with loads of laundry and work outside and so does Gavin and he usually cooks most meals we don't just snap our fingers and command people to clean up after us or wait hand and foot" Krew explains

"So we're maids or we just die that's what you're saying huh" emme ask

"Basically correct but I'm not a dictator so you can leave if you'd like but take it from your grandma after what your parents has done to others you'll won't survive out there" alessandro says

"Okay so if I reject my supposed mates excuse while I throw up a little but that's what they are called what happens?" I, ask

"Were destined for each other Serena whether you like it or not but you'd be in pain and so would we, and you'd never find someone who connects with you as much as we do" Krew says

"Now that is a lie because I connect very well with my sisters and I've been doing just fine without y'all actually better then fine y'all are kinda a nightmare if we're being Honest" I say

"How could you say that without knowing us" Gavin says

"I could ask you the same damn how do you know I'm your mate without knowing me" I say

"Because it's a fucking damn calling that will not turn off since  we fucking met and this one got your scent from far" Gavin says

"You have a fucking bad attitude and I'm telling right now if this would ever happen I would punch you in the face" I say

"You know I love your feistyness it's something I'm not used to I find it fucking hilarious" Gavin says

"Don't pay him no mind I usually don't it makes it easier" Krew says

"So come straight out because y'all are all big and tough y'all Fuck each other don't you and don't play like I'm crude because that's just how you like to speak huh Gavin so what we'd be trio" I say

Everyone stays stunned and emme and Natasha whisper my name while Charlotte laughs

"Wouldn't y'all like to know" gavin says sternly

"We come as a package deal Serena that's all you get" Krew says

"Well I'll be a maid but fuck the fuck off with this being y'all wife got it!" I say

"You'll feel it don't worry see you down the aisle very soon won't we" Gavin chuckles

"Gavin and Krew that's enough off too bed for everyone" alessandro and grandma says

"Girls you may share a room if you'd like or separate but it's the rooms down the hall from me let's go" grandma says

We follow her and walk down and I feel eyes on me so I turn and see both Krew and Gavin looking at me I roll my eyes and flip them both off

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