"Once they wake up we will get on with it.The charity event is hosted by him and lucky we are invited.Yayy"I state blandly watching his grin grow bigger.

"Should I gel my hair or go for the messy kind of style?"He asks, getting comfortable and I roll my eyes."I think you should cut it."I shrug with. a small smirk.

Will gasps dramatically and stares at me like I'm crazy."You take that back or else I swear you will never see the light of day again."I stop and stare at him to watch his serious face.A smile breaks out on my face then a laugh escapes my lips as I watch him try his hardest to keep the frown there.

"It's not funny,I swear I will Ria."He folds his arms across his chest with a from plastered on his face then he rolls his eyes and there it was,Will Kishimoto's award winning smile.

My laughter dies down and I reality slaps me in the face.The case, my mom, my father.The case, my mother, father.My mother, the case. ,my father.

My smiles fades as fast as it came and I look back to my notes.

Will must have noticed because he looks at me and hands me my cigarettes.I know it will kill me,I did science but that's the point.It. kills me slowly and soon I won't be here, living like this and also because it calms me.

Like a tranquility or a harmony of something.

I take it and thank him silently."I'm gonna go outside, please wake everyone up and get to work."I say and stand up, walking over to the beautiful terrance.

Closing the door,I light up my cigarette and inhale.Felling the poison travel to my lungs and. exhale, the smoke leaving my lips and the feeling of safety falling over me.

My father is one of the directors of the FBI over the globes powerful cruel man and unfortunately I am his prodigy.Since I was younger ,I was trained to become who I am today.I never had a childhood, it was filled with tears, anger,yelling and stuff breaking.

My father is not a good man at all.

Then again who am I to decide what is good or bad when I am neither.I suppose there is no such thing as being a bad person or a good person, well none that us humans can determine.

A cold breeze passes by and instantly I feel a presence nearby.I don't move though,I watch the trees. dance along with the windy mind slowing.I close my eyes and wait for the familiar click of the safety to go off, my. breathing slowing as I exhale another puff.

Today might be the day,I think.I might get to rest, I might see her again.

I relax slowly into the feeling. that it could be over but as quick as the feeling came. it goes as I realise the click hasn't gone.That the person is walking towards me instead, that I don't deserve to rest or relax.

Slowly turn to see who is next to me and see its one of my colleagues,Aisha her name was.She is a bit shorter than me but tall all the same with a maroon hijab on, a black sweater jacket and blue rise up jeans paired with sneaker.

Her brown eyes flicker towards me for a second then again for longer then fear resonates in her brown eyes."I'm so sorry Agent Costallos,I never realised someone would be out here."Her voices. full of fear and embarrassment sounds and I scowl.

"Don't do that."I say and watch the sky, my scowl fading and a neutral expression replaces it.I watch from my side eye, her eyebrows furrowing and confusion written on. her forehead."Don't do what?"

"Don't apologise when you have done nothing wrong and don't fear me when I have nothing against you."I respond and inhale my almost burnt out cigarette,I know the gears in her mind are churning figuring out how to respond or survival mode has kicked in and shes trying to figure out my. angle.

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