Chapter 18

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"Hey baby, are you ready to go?" Marcus called out.

"Almost. Just need another minute or two." Skye replied from the other side of the bathroom door.

Skye stood in front of the mirror admiring her gradually growing baby bump. She caressed her belly lovingly losing track of time again. Though she could see the changes in her body, it still felt like a fantasy that she was about to become a mother. When Marcus cleared his throat somewhere in the bedroom, her trance was broken. She quickly brushed her teeth, then straightened her clothes. Finally she managed to peel herself away from the bathroom counter, turned out the lights, and made her exit."

"You look beautiful, baby." Marcus stated with a grin before placing a kiss on her cheek, then one on her belly.

"Thank you."

"Baby Paxton sure is growing." Marcus commented while admiring Skye's shape.

"Oh yeah, little one has completely claimed my bladder as a semi-permanent body pillow to sleep on. Even chooses to use it as a trampoline during the waking hours. That's when it gets really interesting. I never considered the idea of playing Russian Roulette with the choice of going to the bathroom before."

"We're almost halfway there. Not too much longer and you can reclaim your organs." Marcus teased.

"Yeah, that's true. I can't wait to find out if we're having a baby boy or baby girl! There are so many adorable outfits I am just dying to buy."

"We have about an hour until the appointment, then we'll know and can tell everyone else."

"You know what? We should do some kind of a gender reveal tonight for the club."

"What do you have in mind?" Marcus asked.

"Maybe we can do a big dinner of some kind for everyone. I've been seeing a lot of videos online lately where people are doing burn outs in their cars that send up a powder puff of smoke in the color that represents the baby's gender. We can pick up the stuff that makes the colored smoke, and put it at the back wheel of your bike. You do a burnout in the parking lot and everyone gets to see the pink or blue cloud. Then, tada! Baby boy or girl is revealed for all to see."

"That sounds like fun."

"Doesn't it?" Skye giggled. "I know it seems kind of cheesy, but I really want to do something big and special like that. It will be more memorable than just telling everyone what we are having."

"Sometimes cheesy is fun. I agree, I like the idea. After we leave the doctor's office, we will go by the party store in town and grab the powder and whatever else we need to set everything up."

"Okay , we should send a text out telling everyone to come for dinner tonight."

"What time should we tell them to come?" Marcus asked as he stuck the key in the truck's ignition.

"Let's go for 6:30 P.M. or 7:00 P.M."

"How about we shoot for 7:00 P.M. so that we have enough time and a little bit of a cushion to do everything we have to do."


"Are we cooking or are you thinking of ordering out from somewhere?"

"We can plan on cooking. If we run out of time, we can order out to have a back up plan."

"That sounds great. How about a barbecue, quick and easy."

"Yum! Oh!"

"What is it?"

"My bladder is becoming a bouncy castle. I need to find a bathroom!"

Marcus chuckled, "I'll pull into the gas station off the next exit."

Euphoria: Book 2 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now