Chapter 15

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The sounds of Andrew and Vladimir's arguing pulled Elliot out of his uneventful session of sleep. He stabbed his fingers through his hair, and ran his hands down his face. Grunting at the stubble with annoyance, Elliott sat up in the bed and tuned his father and brother out. Picking up his watch from the nightstand, he calculated that he had only had a few hours to work on his plans before meeting up with Delia for dinner.

"Oh look who's alive!" Andrew sneered as he caught sight of Elliot sitting up in the bed.

"About damn time." He heard his father mumble.

"You could have easily awakened me if you needed me for anything, you know." Elliot spat with his mood growing more foul with each passing comment.

"Yeah? How about the five times I already tried to get you up?" Andrew clapped back.

"Bullshit!" Elliot called out.

"It's true." Their father announced.


"I figured you might have been coming down with something, so we let you be." Vladimir said.

"Thanks. I'm fine though." Elliot confirmed.


Elliot was thankful his father didn't dig in with questions and allegations. He dropped the whole thing chalking it up to him being under the weather. The old man was going soft. As he dropped to the floor to do his daily exercise routine, Elliot had to grit his teeth at his brother's grating voice ringing out from the kitchen.

"Who the hell are you trying to impress with all that, anyway?"

"Everyone, of course."

"Why? You've got plenty of muscle tone. Why don't you try taking a day off already?"

"Use them, or lose them. I've got to keep up with the routine, or kiss these guns goodbye."

"Who cares about all that, my body is a temple, bullshit. You're a Ward! You don't need those puny muscles to impress anyone. The name does the work for you, brother. Or haven't you figured that out yet?"

"That's where you're wrong, brother." Elliott spat. "It's up to us to continue to build up the Ward reputation."

"Yeah? I believe we were doing just fine, until you got the bright idea to chase that dirty used up gash you lost to those motorcycle mongrels, and make a joke of us all." Andrew roared.

"Fuck you!" Elliot growled, suddenly appearing in Andrew's face. His chest and forehead connecting with Andrew's. He balled his fists at his sides and fought not to swing on his brother.

"Nah, I wasn't born in the backwoods of 'Incestville'. Besides, you're not my type. Hairy ass and all. I prefer the hairless ones. Tell me, how the hell do you find the ones that can tolerate your Sasquatch physique?"

"Guess if you really know how to Dick them down right, nothing else matters. I could give you a few pointers if you need." Elliot gulped in deep breaths to calm himself enough to walk away.

"What the fuck do I care what they like? I either get what I want, or just take what I want when I want it. Then, I'm done. It's that simple. who needs all that feelings bullshit. Feelings never benefit anyone."

"Don't knock it till you try it!"

"Nah, fuck that! No thanks. There's not a bitch on the planet that is ever going to get me caught up in her messy ass feelings shit! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm perfectly happy plugging the holes, then throwing out the trash."

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