Chapter 6

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The smell of old newspapers and furniture polish wafted through the doorway as Detective Lachlan stepped into the courthouse. The entire aspect of the Ward case haunted every minute of the day and night for him. Once he learned that Vladimir Ward had procured a legal representative that was working to get the heinous trio released from jail, Diego spiraled into a fit of ire and unleashed a storm of havoc on his office. Even as he took his first steps inside the courthouse, he clenched his teeth against the frustrations that threatened to spill out in the form of a screech. The audacity of anyone willing to work with such vile men was enough to make his blood boil. The fact that their shark of a lawyer was willing to look the other way and ignore clear-cut evidence, and look for loopholes in the justice system was killing him. Worse was the fact that the lawyer was a female. She had clearly seen the photos of that had been done to Skye, as well as the video of them in the act of such atrocities. What the actual fuck is wrong with this woman? He seethed.

"Hello, Diego. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Judge Knolls greeted him.

The Lachlan family had a long history with the Knolls family. Generation after generation had been friends. He personally wasn't as close, but he was willing to use his connections to try and make sense of what was going on with the Ward case. Anything had to help at this point.

"If I could take up a few minutes of your time, I have a very pressing matter to discuss on one of the newer cases."

"Of course, let's step into my chambers and talk."

"Thank you."

Once inside the judge's chambers, Diego paced back and forth. Judge Knolls remained silent for a long moment as he watched and waited. As the judge settled into his seat, Diego considered his words carefully so as not to offend the man. Asking him what his problem was would not grant him any favors. At the end of his pacing, he took a deep breath, then sat down on the burgundy office chair.

"Son, I have known you and your family for all of my sixty plus years. I know that something heavy is weighing on you. If I were a betting man, I would place money that I know exactly what is bothering you so greatly. Even though this may be more of a business meeting for you, you're welcome to speak freely. Unless you are outright attacking me personally, you can skip the formalities today. Forgive me for being blunt, but just spit it out."

"Thank you, sir. Frankly, I am good and pissed off today. I have caught word that the Ward men are working to get released. I just don't understand how this is even a possibility or why anyone in there right mind would even consider it, much less represent them and fight for it."

"What you have heard is correct. I cannot give certain details as you well know, so what exactly is it that you need from me? I know you did not just come for confirmation."

"I submitted very damning evidence into the records. These men are guilty as sin on this case alone. There are possibly hundreds of other cases that have yet to be discovered if my hunch is accurate. I also have submitted that they have stated that they have every intention of going back for Skye Murphy once they get out. There are multiple witnesses that can account for multiple events on this case alone. There are so many great risks that come with their release. They put the safety of every woman in this county as well as surrounding counties at risk with their freedom."

"I am aware of the case and all that it involves. Believe me, it is one of the ugliest cases I have seen in my career. I agree with you, there is plenty of evidence stacked against them and they are a danger to society. Unfortunately, I am limited to following the law above my personal opinions and feelings. If things are not done by the book, or if their lawyers are able to paint a picture that creates doubt in the legal system as far as it being staged as a set up amongst many other possibilities, my hands are tied."

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