Chapter 10

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Just as Skye finished another battle with morning sickness, a gentle tap sounded on the door. They hadn't been expecting anyone, therefore, Marcus shot to his feet with alarm and ready to defend Skye by whatever means necessary if needed. Caius entered the room quietly meeting Marcus' intent stare. His face was grim and there was a slightly unhinged look in his eyes.

"Rough morning?" Marcus asked.

"To say the very least."

"What has happened, now?"

"It is time we have a talk, Skye needs to hear it."

Marcus' heart sunk to the pit of his stomach. In a dozen or so words, he knew everything he needed to know. It was too soon, they weren't ready. Elliot, Andrew, and Vladimir were going to be released and be back to terrorize them.

"How soon?" Marcus asked.

Without needing explanation, Caius knew what he was asking. "Today. A little over two hours from now."

"What the fuck?" Marcus stood in shock.

"Loopholes and a shark of a lawyer."

"I need a minute, there's something I need to do first." Marcus looked over his shoulder at Skye who was just coming out of the bathroom and getting back in bed. "Can you sit with her? We can talk when I get back."

"Of course."


Caius nodded at him, then took a seat next to the bed as Marcus stepped out of the room. He hesitated briefly, then stepped over to the nurses station. One of the middle aged nurses blinked up at him from her computer screen and offered a smile of acknowledgement with a raised brow.

"I need someone to get Skye Murphy's doctor for me, it is urgent."

"I can page her for you, what seems to be the problem?"

"Bad news is coming in, we have to inform her of a situation now. It cannot be put off any longer for her safety. It is going to put an extreme amount of stress on her and the baby and we need the doctor to be ready. That being said, I am going to need to alert hospital security as well."

"I will page the doctor right away. Would you mind staying here a moment, I can get Jim. He is our head of security and just walked down the hall. I believe I can catch him before he hits the elevator."


Marcus stood by as the woman he spoke with jogged down the hall. One of the nurses that had overheard their conversation assured him she would help however she could. She paged the doctor, and pulled Skye's charts to have them ready. He watched a few staff members nearby pale with worry of an unknown threat. He didn't have the energy or nerve to offer them any form of comfort. He even had the idea that it was better for them to be on alert when it came to the Ward family. At least they would then be weary of others and more watchful of their surroundings.

"Sir, the doctor will be here in just a moment. She is currently in with another patient." The younger nurse informed him.

"Thank you."

Marcus remained on guard, scanning the visible hallways from his position by the nurses station. The doctor and the security officer approached at the same time from separate directions. He squared his shoulders readying to call out orders like a squad leader, much the same way he had always done with his club. As the two closed the distance between them, everything fell silent. He was aware that everyone around them within earshot was listening. Marcus could swear that even some of the nurses were holding their breath.

"How can we help you Mr. Paxton?"

"Thank you for coming. We have received word this morning that my fiancé's captors are being released shortly from police custody. She is in imminent danger as these men are absolutely set on finishing what they started with her. I need you to do anything and everything within your power to get more guards here and get this hospital secure. They do not care about casualties and will not think twice about hurting anyone that gets in their way. I am even willing to pay your people out of my own pocket, if you can call them and get them all here. Second of all, we are going to have to tell her of this new development in a few minutes. Believe me, I wish we didn't have to. She will be filled with more anxiety seeing everyone on alert and not knowing what is going on if we don't tell her. Not telling her may even backfire on us, and shut her down all over again causing her not to trust any of us whatsoever. That being said, I believe it is important that she is informed. When we talk to her in a few minutes, it is very likely that she is not going to handle it well. I will need you on standby to do whatever you need to do to ensure the health of her and our baby. Sedate her if necessary, whatever needs to be done, just protect them."

Euphoria: Book 2 (18+)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant