Chapter 4

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"Enzo just texted me to remind me that he wants to propose to Camberlee. I promised to help him with setting something up once he got out of the hospital." Marcus told Skye.

"Oh that's awesome!"

"Do you want to help us come up with some ideas for the proposal?"


"Okay, how about we start with a place."

"That's almost too easy. How about Euphoria? We can decorate it up all nice and pretty. Balloons, candles, streamers, all the fun stuff."

"Okay, he has to let me know his time line though. He says he wants to wait for you to be home before he does it. We know that is going to be a few weeks. Other than that, I don't know if he is thinking months, weeks, or what."

"Why don't we suggest for him to do it on Valentine's Day?"

"Isn't that a little cliché?"

"You don't think it would be romantic?"

"Sure, but most girls expect their partners to propose to them on Valentine's day, right?"

"Then we'll just have to figure out how to steal the spotlight until the time is right. Enzo can swoop in and make his move revealing that it was all a big ruse."

"Okay, so... Valentine's Day at Euphoria."

"Yep, and now there are other important topics for us to discuss." Skye curved her lips in a conspiratorial smile.

"What's that?"

"Baby stuff."

"Alright, baby stuff." Marcus smiled in return.

"Yep, first of all I'm selling my condo. so where should we plan our nursery?"

"I'm setting up a nursery at the club, but if you're still wanting a place of your own, we can start looking as soon as you're able to get out and about."

"You really don't mind if I get another place?"

"No, I don't. I would love to have you around all the time, but I do understand why you need your own space as well."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"All I ask is that, if you are by any chance planning on leaving me, please don't keep me away from our baby. I have already lost too much in that aspect of my life. I don't want to get my hopes up and lose another one."

"I'd never do that to you. Unless you were putting the baby in danger or hurting him or her in some way, I wouldn't ever be that cruel of a person to keep a baby from the father. That hurts not only you, but the baby too. You should know by now, at least I hope you do, that I wouldn't do something like that. There's nothing to worry about, even if at some point we split up you are a father and have rights as well as responsibilities. If we do get married, I'd hope we would be able to use both places and be together. It could benefit us with some alone time now and then."

"I think I could handle that." Marcus smirked.

"Do you still want to marry me?"

"Hell yes I do!"

Skye blushed and closed her eyes briefly. Marcus looked at her with a wealth of love and adoration blooming in his eyes. He found that he was constantly longing to touch her. A soft caress of her face or hand, gentle kiss on the lips, or just to hold her in general.

"What do you want the baby to be, boy or girl?" Skye asked.

"Honestly, I don't care. I look forward to either journey. I just want our baby safe and healthy. What are you hoping for?"

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