Chapter 7

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As the heaviness of sleep began to fade away, Camberlee stirred and blinked into the darkness surrounding her. A soft worrisome whimper escaped through Enzo's lips. He shifted beneath her and let out another pained moan that devoured the silence of the room. Camberlee quickly sat up removing the weight of her torso from his lap. She pressed a button on her wrist watch to illuminate the time. The aqua colored numbers appeared showing that it was 3:02 am. Realizing that they had missed the night time doses of medication, Camberlee eased off the couch and made her way into the bathroom.

When she flipped the light switch on, she had to shield her eyes against the harsh brightness of the LED lights above the mirror. After blinking a few times and letting her eyes adjust, Camberlee picked up the small glass by the sink and filled it half way with cool water. Sitting the glass aside, she then opened the medicine cabinet and selected the prescriptions Enzo was supposed to take. She pulled out the proper doses of each medication, then put the bottles back in the cabinet. Leaving the light on in order to see her way back into the living room, Camberlee grabbed the glass and headed back to take care of Enzo.

With a gentle nudge, she tried to wake Enzo. When there was no response, she then began to speak in a soft tone to rouse him.

"Hey babe, wake up for me. I've got your meds. We missed your last dose."

"Mmmnn," Enzo groaned.

"Come on baby, wake up. Take your medicine. It will help with the pain, then you can go get in bed and go back to sleep."

"No," He breathed.

Camberlee looked at him with confusion, "No?" She asked.

"No. No no no No!!!" Enzo began moving erratically and shouting. Camberlee tried to stop his flailing so that he wouldn't tear his stitches and hurt himself. Her heart thundered in her chest and a lump formed in her throat as her anxiety began to peak. Tears pooled in her eyes as she struggled to wake him. "Camberlee!!!" He screamed. The terror and pain in his screams broke the dam causing her tears to spill over and race down her cheeks.

"Baby, I'm here. I'm right here. Wake up!"

"No!" He screamed his pleas to whatever entity he was seeing.

Camberlee shook him harder and raised her voice to pull him from his nightmare and wake him up. Through her panicked state, she hadn't realized that she had started holding her breath until Enzo finally opened his eyes. It took a few minutes of him looking around to reorient himself and realize where he was. As he became more aware of his surroundings, his face lit with understanding and a hint of embarrassment. Enzo grabbed Camberlee, pulled her close, and held on with all of his strength.

"Are you okay?" Camberlee asked, her voice cracking.

"I'm okay." He whispered.

"What was it?"

"Nothing." He shook his head in denial.

"Something." She all but hissed.

"Just a bad dream, it's over now. Everything is okay." He tried to reassure her.

"Okay then. If you decide you want to talk about it, I'm here."

"It's all good, babe. Just reliving a nightmare. It is over now and gone."

"Was it the wreck?"

"That's disturbingly specific, why do you ask?"

"You were screaming and calling out my name." Camberlee explained.

"That could have been something else. I always dream about you." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Well, if you were dreaming about me in that way, you would have been reacting differently to what you were seeing. You definitely were not happy."

Euphoria: Book 2 (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang