"My lord I would like to kill the boy-"

"NO!" That silenced the room, "I admire your thirst for blood Bellatrix however I must be the one to kill the boy." The dark lord stood up and his dark cloak floated down below him as he examined his wand, "However I can not do so with my wand so I require someone else's." As his cloak swifted passed individuals they shifted in their seats frightened, "Lucius." Voldemort held out his dry crusty hand, "I require your wand." With heavy hesitation Lucius handed over his wand which led to Voldemort snapping his silver snake head off of the wand and dismissing everyone, well everyone except me and Severus.

"Y/n I have finally over-thought what your orders will be." I took hold of Severus's hand but made it unnoticeable. "You are to stay here for the night and then after you will be sent off to wander about keeping an ear out for anyone who tries to go against me."


"You are to hunt those people down. Capture them and take them to the ministry once we are incontrol of that." Few, nothing too bad- "Or kill them. If they are in direct contact with the boy, torcher them till they tell then kill them." No...

"Simple enough father."

Severus gripped my hand to the point my ring was digging into both of our fingers, "My lord will Y/n be able to return home during the night at least?"

"I suppose they can, depending on who they encounter." His grip slightly loosened, relieving me from my ring.

"Also my lord, is it alright if I perhaps stay here tonight with them."

At that moment Voldemort took a deep breath and looked at me slightly disappointed, "No Severus. I'm not allowing you to stay as a favor. I have been informed by others of Y/n's weakened state." Severus's grip increased again and I barely managed to contain my yelp.

"I see."

"I'll let the two of you part from one another. Y/n I want you in the dungeon when you're done."

"Yes father." He attempted to sway his cloak behind him however he is nowhere as good as Severus. Also why the fuck does he not wear shoes, his ugly crusty feet are carossing the poor floor. "Severus, I didn't tell him I swear."

"I know...Lucius did."

"Did you tell him??"

"I guess but I was just enraged that he was probably the one to cause it so I...I may have had a um friendly duel with him in order to get my anger out." I blinked a few times before smiling at him with comfort.

"Darling, I thank you for protecting me." I looked down at my ring as a teardrop fell from my face,  "I can't do this...I've never killed before. Also when I'm away from you how will I know you're safe? I won't be there to protect you!"

He wiped the warm stream of tears off of my face and held me close to his warm body, relaxing my whole body and relieving my tension. "I've already come up with a plan to keep your mind at ease darling." His right hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful white crystal necklace that resembled the charmed necklace he gave me when we were kids.

"Its, it's just like the on-" I felt my neck and realized the necklace I've been wearing for years was gone, "You're a little too sneaky sometimes." He smiled as he clipped the beautiful crystal around my neck.

"This time it's enchanted to glow whenever I'm near Harry or I'm in any danger." I smiled brightly as another tear came trailing down.

"You know me too well. I will try to come home every night I promise." He leaned down and kissed me, sadly his tongue didn't try to push its way into my mouth.

"Just keep your promise. I love you, don't die too many times tonight." I lightly pushed his arm and laughed. He smiled for real for the first time in months at the sight of my laugh.

"I'll try not to."


I quickly stepped down the cold dungeon steps and held my arms rubbing them for warmth, "Alright father where do we start?" I took the final step and froze at the sight of an empty room. "Okay I know he told me the dungeons so where the hell is he?" The dungeon door creaked shut and I closed my eyes listening for any movement. At that moment a dagger flew towards my face which I froze the object before it pierced through me, "I'm not that weak." I tossed it to the floor and barely was able to blink before a bright green light came barreling towards me. I threw up my hands casting protego and held back the curse. My hands started to burn and lose feeling as the killing curse was starting to slowly affect me. I screamed as I held out my spell, my knees buckling causing me to hit the floor and was shriekenly struck by the piercing spell.

Voldemort finally appeared out of the shadows with Bellatrix by his side, "You were saying? Not that weak huh?" I sat there lifeless watching the two of them just hover above me. "Your hair is getting long isn't it?" I sat there unable to respond, why does that matter? Voldemort sighed as he nodded to Bellatrix who placed a hot locket in my hand. As quickly as I shot back to life she took back the locket.

"What does my hair have to do with anything?"

Bellatrix handed me two hair ties, "You're not gonna be able to cut it anytime soon is why. Two just in case you lose one." I rolled my eyes and took them, "Also you might want to place them on separate wrists. So when they roll up your arm it's less of a chance for them to cut off circulation." I looked at Bellatrix confused, she hasn't been this nice in years. However I took her suggestion then stood up.

"Cast the killing curse on that rat." I looked down on the floor and what do you know he enchanted a rat to stay put in the corner.

"Childs play father." I pointed my finger over at the creature and sent a green light. However it wasn't bright at all and only seemed to tickle the stupid creature. Shit...

"You're a lot weaker than I anticipated Y/n."

"Father, do you know what caused this?"

He fiddled with Lucius's wand in his hand, "I believe it's a mix of what Lucius did as well as with your recent overexposure to light magic." My eyes widened, that's possible?! "Now then Bellatrix you have quite a lot of work to do." I watched as he started to walk out of the room but something must've stopped him. "You've never actually killed someone have you, Y/n?" I felt needles surround my body as I told myself not to break character, how do I talk about this in a death eater matter.

"I've never gotten the oppertuni-"

"You're scared." The needles deepened in my skin trying so hard not to argue why killing isn't the answer.

"Yes...but I will kill when instructed from now on."

I turned to him and shivered at the sight of his snake-like smile, "Good."

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Where stories live. Discover now