I entered Snape's classroom after a few students and nodded McGonagall off so she could go get to her own classroom.

"Professor, where is Snape?" I turned my head slowly to Harry and fidgeted with my ring.

"In bed ill." Harry obviously doesn't believe me but there's nothing I can do about it. "Alright class so as you can tell Professor Snape is not available so it's gonna be a relaxing class." Everyone let out a slight chuckle and I just sat at his desk while the same as last period began.


"Malfoy." I looked up at him slowly and froze looking at his tired eyes.

"Snape's fine right?" I can hear it in his voice, the fear, the fear of Snape not coming to the rescue and Draco being close to his death bed.

"Yes. He just needs a few hours to collect his thoughts." He still shifted a bit, "Come on, let's quickly chat where you know who can't hear." I nodded over indicating I was talking about Harry before I took Draco into Snape's office.

"Y/n I can't do this."

"I know Draco...look just maybe disarm Dumbledore then Severus will do the rest."

He looked around Snape's boring office, "Why doesn't he have any pictures of the two of you?"

"He doesn't want to show his soft side to students." We both smiled slightly but I froze once he stopped.

"My mother hates you...I, I don't but she just hates that you have my fathers eyes not her." I looked at him and made a gagging motion which cheered him up.

"Draco I really don't care and neither should she. Narcissa should have calmed down now that I'm married." He shook a bit so I carefully walked over and pulled him into a soft hug, "You'll be fine tonight Draco, if anything goes wrong I'll be there."


Once Dinner was over I grabbed an extra plate and headed over to my chambers. However when I opened the door, every room was unrecognizable. Everything I have put out was packed away and gone. I set the plate down on the table and frantically went around looking for Severus. At that moment he came into the room through the floo network and his pupils shrunk when he saw me.

"Where's our stuff?" The comfort was gone within the room.

"Y/n you know we won't be returning after tonight. I moved everything to our cabin." I sighed in relief and pointed him towards his plate. "I'm not hun-"

"Eat Severus. Please." Not wanting to argue, he walked over to the plate and took a bite, "Draco is scared..."

"Yes I know."

"Is...is Dumbledore ready?" Severus side eyed me and just nodded.

"He's currently with Harry hunting a horcrux." My heart plummeted and I quickly slid over to him.

"Severus, which horcrux?"

"Well he mentioned a cliff surrounded by wat-"

"Oh my god...they're dead."

"Y/n they're fine."

"Regulus died trying to get that horcrux Severus!"

His face expressed confusion as he put his fork down, "How do you know that?"

"Kreacher. Oh don't look at me like that, it got lonely in that house." I looked at the clock that rested on the wall and I could feel the color wash out of my face, "Severus..."

"I know..." Severus sntached his wand from the counter and the both of us quickly walked down corridor after corridor till we made it to the astronomy tower. The wind felt icy cold as it brushed against my skin. Bellatrix's voice echoed throughout the tower as she continuously yelled at Draco to just kill. I pointed out Harry below and Severus made eye contact with the boy and shushed him before going up the stairs. I stayed below and Harry was looking back and forth from Dumbledore to me. He knows.

"Severus. Please."

I then looked up before slowly looking back at Harry and mouthed the words, 'I'm sorry' right as Severus casted the killing curse sending Dumbledore flying off of the tower's edge. Hatred and confusion filled Harry's eyes as he pointed his wand at me. For his protection I knocked him back giving the death eaters time to flee. Bellatrix of course was going around breaking absolutely everything in her path which I just scoffed at. The cold air pounded into my face again and the wind was causing tears to flow down my face.

While we were walking Severus noticed me and wiped away a tear, "Darling are you al-"

"HE TRUSTED YOU!" We both turned and looked off in the distance behind us as Harry started to use spells against Severus, but he deflected them easily.

"Potter, you really think you could use your own spells against me?" My eyes widened as I realized Harry must've gotten hold of Severus's old potions book. Harry had the realization of a lifetime here as Severus continued to speak, "Yes, I am the Half-Blood Prince..." I kept Harry down one last time with magic before we left quickly apparating to Malfoy Manor...it's begun.

Authors note: I know it's boring and short but I can't move on without this scene. Well anyways I hope this didn't kill the mood lmao :D

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Where stories live. Discover now