Chapter's 25: James POV

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A few days past since then. And slowly we're perfecting our art. Bring more professional, more brutal. I'll have to say I've never thought I would become a mass murder but I guess things don't always go as planned. I was in the living room and Liv was in her room. She came running in.
"Turn on Fox 29! We're on the news!" I quickly switched through channels until I finnaly got to Fox News.

"Breaking News:
Local NYC murders body count reaching up to a 50. Police just discovered yet another family dead. The killers have been nicknamed "The Incisionist" due to there M/O apparently these phyhopaths like for their victims to suffer while they are being murdered. They like to use sharp things to pierce their victims. Leaving them mutilated and hardly identifiable. Police are cautioning people to be careful when walking at night alone or if possible try to avoid going out at all. This person is deemed extremely dangerous and if you have any information leading to his or her's arrest please contact your local police. There is a reward money of $10,000.

"That's it? Just $10,000? Come on now Liv we gotta be worth more then that." I complained.
"Yeah and the 'incisionist?' What a chesty name."
"We need to do better." She suggested.
"And I have the perfect way to!" I added.
I looked out the window and watched. Liv looked confused but she'll see soon enough. "Found you." I giggled.
"Found who?"
"You'll see."
In my mind I was hatching my sinister plan that would surely be enough to put us in the history books.
"I'm going out don't wait up."
"Okay later and be safe"
I hurried to catch up to the girl put still remained inconspicuous. I followed her across town. She picked up her little brother or cousin I do t know what be was to her but she picked up a kid then took him to a pizzeria. I stayed outside but she didnt know I was staring the whole time. She had beautiful green eyes, long black hair she was short bit not too short and her skin was a nice shade of brown.
I don't know if I feel confortable killing her but something tells me to come closer. To slowly end her beautiful life and have her in tears begging for me to give her my pity. She got up and took her kid to the park. While they were there I sat on the bench just staring and waiting.
When it got dark they left and I followed them until they got to their house. I texted Liv the address and she came about 30 minutes later.
"What's up? Why this house?"
"Shhhh... Don't ask just do. Besides it's my turn to choose."
"Fine!" She grumbled. "They're still awake what do you wanna do?"
"You already know I hate waiting."
"Well too bad."
We waited for a long time and then when it was time I told Liv the next step.
"Call the police. Tell them there is a murder going on at 3456 Strong Street." I pleaded.
"Why? Wouldn't that get us caught?"
"Not If we're quick."
She called them.
"Can you get the police h-here quick. T-there is a murder going on."
I snickered at her awesome acting skills.
"Y-yeah we're on 3456 Strong Street."
She hung up the phone and her attitude changed form scares little girl to apex predator.
"OK so what next." She asked now eger to get to the stabbing.
"Plane and simple...."

Sorry this is another short chappy but don't worry the next one will be longer.

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