Chapter 22: James POV

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So many things to think about.. It's like I'm slowly breaking down and the world is crumbling down atop of me. Like all the shit that's happening is all gonna topple over me burying me in the wreckage. But I'm trying my hardest to maintain my sanity.
That cop has been on my case e-mailing and calling me. He probably thinks I killed them but no I didn't. Liv was in her room complaining how it hurts when she cut herself. No duh! I couldn't keep myself together in there I don't know why but I found that insanely funny. I've laughed for the first time in forever.
"Hey James lets take a walk later, the weather isn't that bad." Yelled Liv from the other room. After going back and forth with myself I finally agreed. "Yeah sure." I yelled back. Some fresh air will do me some good. After Liv stopped complaining we left. As we continued down the street Liv desided to talk.... A lot.
"Remember that episode of Dragonball when shenron came and olong wished for a pair of women's underwear?"
"Yes." I answer blanly. I lied. I don't watch that crap. She's a nerd. "And oh my god! When Gohan went super sayain 2 in the cell games-"
"Liv!" I Bud in. "Why are you talking so much?"
"I thought you might need some cheering up. After all your girlfriend did die like last month."
Her words stung worse then a bee.
"Yeah well I don't need any cheering up." I said. "Time is the best medicine."

(Liv POV)

James kept walking it's sad seeing him like this. And I probably didn't use the best word choices. "You wanna go get some coffee?"
At least he's talking... And doing stuff other then laying in bed all day. Poor James. We walked into my job again. This time there wasn't many people. James and I sat down.
"Brb I gotta use the bathroom." He said.
I nodded then sat in the chair waiting. And waiting. And waiting. I ordered our coffee and it was getting cold. So I went to check on James. Although I knew it probably want a good idea to walts into the guys bathroom I did it anyway. "James?" I called as I opened the bathroom door.
I s-saw.... J-james.... Murdering some guy. It was so brutal and reckless... Unlike anything I've ever saw before. He was slamming some guys head into a urinal. What was once pure white is now stained red, with blood.
"J-james?" I stuttered.
James let go of the guys head and turned his attention towards me. He rushed towards me and pinned me to the wall. "What is it sweety?" He said in a psychotic, bone chilling tone. His voice made every hair on my back stand up. I was so afraid. James held me tight... I didn't know what he was going to do to me. "Let's play!" His voice shrieked. I pushed him off and he fell into the wall. What happened next confused me...
He glanced over at the dead guy hunched over the urinal and freaked out. "Oh shit!" He wimpered. He jumped back and looked at me. "Did you do that?" He asked. Wait! Did he not notice that!? Did he just suddenly forget it all?
"No this wasn't me!"
He reached in his pocket for his phone. "STOP!" I screamed.
He froze in mid action. "Do not call the police! Let's just walk away and pretend we didn't see anything okay?" James shook his head and we walked out of the diner forgetting to pay.

(James POV *again*)
What the fuck just happened? Another dead body! There has to be a killer running around New York. And Liv! She was there... Maybe she killed that guy and just lied about it. But why would she? I'm so confused. "Liv! Are you sure you didn't kill that guy?"
"I'm absolutely positive I didn't kill that guy."
I'm still suspicious of her.... She could be lying.... We got home and I layed in bed watching TV. Trying my hardest to forget the picture in my mind. That poor guy. Probably was an innocent guy... He didn't deserve to die. I layed in bed all day. Until around 5:00 then I played my game. I was not going to leave this back in Minnesota. Just before I started Liv yelled for me to come in her room.
I rushed in. She was watching the news.

Breaking News:
Body count reaching terrifying heights. A total of 19 people have been murdered all around New York within' the this month. Investigators believe the killer is around 19-25 year old well built male deemed extremely dangerous considering the nature of the deaths. We advice everyone to avoid traveling alone and be very careful when leaving your home.

"James... There's something I have to tell you..." Said Liv.

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