Chapter 18: Liv's POV

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This is what I meant by the POVs being out of order. But it benefits the story you'll see. Thanks for over 600 view! Goal is 1k but anyways here's chapter 18 hope yhu enjoy. Oh and this chapter will be a little short sorry.

I ducked behind a corner carful not to be seen. I watched as the teenage girl turned the corner. I followed her down the street to her bus stop. I waited for the bus with her trying not to look suspicious.
I remember telling James not to kill because he isn't god and he doesn't have the right to take away a life now here I am trying to doing the same shit. This is bad but it feels so good. I can kill, and laugh about doing it. I'm a psycho. But I like it.
The bus pulled up and I sat in the back. The girl I was stalking sat closer to the front. I wanted to keep my distance. For now.
I played candy crush on my phone as I waited her to get off. After so many failed attempts finally beat level 129!
"Whooohoooo!" I screeched out loud. Everyone on the bus looked back at me except the girl. I sank in my seat with embarrassment. That was close. Finally the bus came to a stop and the girl got off. I followed her. She cut through an alleyway. This was going to be easier then I thought.
I walked a bit faster to catch up. When I got close enough I grabbed her. I covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream.
"Shhhhhh!" I whispered. "Quiet, we wouldn't want anyone to hear us!"
She pulled away from me. "Haha very funny! Let's just go home." She added. She walked out of the alleyway. I ran to catch up, griped her closer and slammed my fist into her face. She screeched then pushed me again.
"The fuck is wrong with you!" I smiled at her. "Isn't it obvious?" I asked. She slowly backed away from me. "I'm gonna kill your ass!" I busted out laughing she ran out of the alleyway. I finally stopped laughing and rushed to catch up with her again. She picked up a wooden slab and slapped it against my face. I recovered quickly pushing back the pain then slammed her head against a car. She stumbled backwards. I started swinging on her. She dipped a few punched then hit me back.
"Stop this!" She whimpered.
I just rushed her again. Hitting her each time. She pushed me off and I collided with a brick wall. She started hitting me.
I didn't expect her to hit me. I dodged one of her punched and her fist made impact with the wall behind me. She yelled in pain. I took the opportunity and dumped her on the ground. I climbed on top of her and wrapped my hands around her neck then squeezed as hard as I could. She looked so pitiful as the tears slowly tricked down her face. I started laughing again. Now more then before. I could see the life slowly draining from her body. She scratched my face trying to get me off but it didn't work. I squeezed what little life was left and her eyes rolled back. Finally..... Finally she's dead.
I guess I came out of whatever trance was in because I suddenly sat atop of her not knowing how I got there or what the hell just happened. I looked down at the body. My heart dropped. Warm tears fled down my face.
Oh shit!

I killed Nina!

Okay guys all jokes aside yhu don't know how complicated it was to write that. I felt a strong connection between Liv and nina. It was so hard writing this I'll admit I almost cried. I made these characters... I treat them like my children. But let's just have a moment of respect for Nina ﹏╥
R.I.P Nina Garcia. Gone but never forgotten.

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