Chapter 5 Liv POV

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Its been over a few days since Blake went missing. Dad said there aren't even any leads yet. A lot of rumors have been traveling around school. Rumors that James killed him and he's in our basement. Yeah right. I would have noticed... And James wouldn't do that... I think.


I jumped in fright.

"Oh um... Sorry." I replied. "I wasn't paying attention."

"I noticed."

I blushed then Mr. Thaler continued on with the lesson.


I evened my ends from the scissors incident and now my hair was actually pretty when its short in my opinion. Although I perfered it long.

I made my way to my locker to exchange my books for the next class. I let my mind wander again.

"Could James have done it?".

I knocked into some guy walking my way. "Watch it!"

"My bad" I reply.

He bent down to help pick up my books. "Here you go."

I was cought off guard for a sec.

"Thanks." I gave a half smile then continued my way.

     My next class.... Writing. Writing was really easy for me. I do it all the time. It helps to ease the pain a little bit. I entered the room then quickly made my way to my seat in the back. About 5 minutes later Mr. Johnson started with the lesson.

      "Okay class today everyone will have to give me a writing sample by the end of class. Lenght is up to you and I'll be grading you on grammer and quality."

Wow this is gonna be an easy class. I guess he was feeling generous today he usually gives us tons of work.

I took out my private writing book and a pen. I tapped my pen against the desk for a few moments. Then it hit me. I instantly started writing. I blocked out any and every distraction. My brain just couldn't stop once I get like this. I continued this for about 15 min.

        "Is anyone finished?" Asked Mr. Johnson. I raised my hand in response.

       "Great Liv you can share!"

I quickly shook my head back and forth like a crazy person.

"N- no thank you." I said nervously.

"Come on Liv!" He said with an intense voice.

     I grabbed my book. Everyone was staring. Damn I hate being the center of attention.

"Whenever your ready." Mr. Johnson stayed.

      I sighed then recited my writing.

       "When will they learn to leave me be. I am peaceful the way I am. I'll find my way without any help don't worry about me. But until I do I remain numb to the world. Blinded but still I see. I see what you cannot. My guard will stay up because I know the untold truth. And I'm willing to take it to my grave."

       "Cough cough, loser." I heard someone say.

A few kids laughed. "Shut up!" Yelled the teacher. "Liv thank you for sharing that was... Um... Unique."

        I gave a crooked smile and continued back to my seat. School sucks... The rest of the day went by normal. No problems. I met up with James after school. He was waiting in the front of the school.

        "Hey Liv!" He exclaimed. The girl from my math period one class was with him. Nina I think was her name.

        "Hi Liv!" She said with a smile.

"Hey guys." We continued up the street. James was talking with her the whole time. After we get to our house James stops. "I'm gonna walk Nina home. See you later."

I waved at them both and Nina waved back.



      My dad was home in his room doing paperwork. Some stuff about the "Blake case."

Knock, knock!

"Come in."

My dad walked in.

"Hey sweety, I have some laundry in the basement can you go down and get it for me."

I sighed then shook my head.


"No problem."

I plugged in my earphones and turned on a John Legend song.

       The closer I came to the basement the more I smelled a foul aroma. I tried to ignore it. I emptied the drier and put my dads clothes in a basket. Then I continued back upstairs but something stopped me... Something dripped on me. And it wasn't water. It was red. I wiped my face and looked up at the celing.

       There was another small room. Well I wouldn't call it a room, it was too small to be a room. My parents don't know about it and that's where the babysitter was.

I climbed on a chair and opened the door. Nothing could prepare me for what I saw.

                 Blake's body....

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