Chapter 19: James POV

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*breaths deep* dammit. This is gonna be another hard one to write...... So people here is chapter 19....

My painfully annoying job was finally over and I practically ran out the door. Can't wait to get home and see my baby. Just thinking about her made my body quiver. I cut through the alleyway that we always used to get to the hotel quicker. I saw something on the ground at the end of the alley. It looked a lot like a body.
"Hey!" I yelled. "Hey you need help down there?"
There was no response. I sprinted towards the person to get a better look. My body began to shiver uncontrollably. I bent down on instant and shook the body violently.
"Nina! Nina talk to me baby I'm here!" My voice was shaky. "Come on baby talk to me daddy's here!" My face burned and I was freaking out. "No no no no no!" I shook her even harder trying to wake her up. "DO NOT LEAVE ME NINA! I LOVE YOU!" My voice screeched
I started crying so hard. I quickly picked up my phone and dialed 9-1-1.
"911 what's your emergency." Said the receiver.
"M-my girlfriend she's..." I didn't wanna say it.
"She's what sir?"
"Just please come quick I'm im at the Sheraton Hotel on 5467 north Broad st."
I rested my head on her. Tears dripping onto her.
"God?" I started. "I know I don't really talk to you much but I need a really big favor from you!" I said between sobs. "Please, please, please..... I pray that she's okay! I don't know a coma or something just please she can't die on me." I tried to wipe my tears but more came rolling down. "Do you hear me Nina! You can't die on me! You mean way too much to me!" I picked up her body trying hard to fight the urge to scream. I walked to the hotel and placed her on the couch. Everyone in the lobby started circling around us.
Everyone backed up on cue. I heard the police sirens growing louder in the distance. I layed on the couch rocking Nina in my arms. I was still silently praying she's okay. The police came quick. A few policemen came rushing through the door. "What's the problem?" One of them asked. I quickly finished my prayer then walked up with Nina in my arms.
"Send me a paramedic!" He ordered through his walkie talkie. I was still dropping tears. The policeman took her from my arms and put her in a paramedic which arrived not much long after. I texted Liv to come quick. She came rushing down minutes later.
"What's the matter?" She asked still in her robe and pajama pants. Her face was red and swollen.
"There's something wrong with Nina." I said. "The paramedics just took her away."
"Come with us!" Ordered the policeman. We jumped into his car and he quickly sped off after the paramedic.
Liv looked like she was trying her hardest to cholk back tears. I can't blame her! Nina is family. We all look after each other.
We sat silently. I mumbled words. I really hope she's okay. But a part of me was afraid she was already dead. The car stopped and we chased the paramedics inside the building. They carried Nina on one of those hospital bed thingies and quickly rushed into a room. One of the guys told me to wait outside and closed a curtain behind him.
Liv and I sat down on two chairs impatiently waiting to see what was going to happen. Liv was shaking her foot. I don't know why. Maybe because she's nervous I don't know. I waited and waited. Hoping that doctor would come in and say she was gonna be okay.... But I knew she wasn't.
A few minutes later the the doctor came walking towards us. The look on his face wreaked dispair.
"I'm sorry..... She was dead way before she even got here." His voice was shaky.
My eyes grew wide and my body felt like it was about to rip in half. Like the one thread keeping me intact was now gone. I felt like a deep dark pit was expanding inside of my stomach and tearing me apart from the inside. I wanted to scream! I wanted to cry! But for some damn reason I couldn't.
"Sir? Sir do you wish to have a moment with her?"
I shook my head and followed him behind the curtain. She looked so peaceful. I sat down on the hospital bed beside her. I noticed something I hadn't before. Her finger nails were gone!
Hold on let me think. First I found her laid out in an alleyway, now I find her fingernails gone? This has to be a homicide. I layed next to her. The doctors left the room. I heard the doctor ask Liv if we had any family. Luckily she said no. I'm gonna find out who did this to you! And then I'm going to kill them myself! That's a promise!

**2 Weeks Later**
I stood in front of the open casket. With no flower to give. Liv was beside me tears flowing down like a waterfall. She's been crying ever since we left the hospital. No one was in the cemetery but Liv me and the priest. I again blocked out his words. Still I couldn't cry. Although I wanted to only one single tear left my eye. Bare and lonely just as I was.
I don't know why but my body acted out of turn and walked up to the casket and placed my lips on Nina's cold lifeless lips.... One last time.
The priest looked at me like I was crazy. He skipped to the end of the scripture and the guys closed the casket and it slowly lowered into the ground. An overwhelmingly sadness came over me. My cheeks grew red and wet with warm tears flowing like a river. I dropped to the ground and crawled to the casket screaming at it.
"NO! NO! OPEN THE CASKET! SHES NOT DEAD! SHES NOT DEAD SHE CANT BE DEAD!" I Banged on the casket begging be opened.
The priest looked at me in horror. Liv rushed over to me and pulled me away trying her hardest.
"NO FUCK OFF OF ME! OPEN THE FUCKING CASKET!" I hollared. SHES NOT DEAD! SHES GONNA SUFFOCATE IN THERE! My screams ripped through the loud sobs I was making.
"James! Come on james! Stay strong!" Pleaded my sister.
"NO LET GO!" I said silently growing quieter. "NO.... Nina.... Please don't go! You can't leave."
The casket was now fully lowered into the ground. I'd already lost my voice from screaming so loud. "Its gonna be okay James! You gotta stay strong!" I kept trying to calm down but it just want working. I kept silently screaming. Trying to resist Liv. But I can't. My body had worn out just by yelling. I tried yelling but it just came out as a silent whisper. "No! Open the damn casket!" I muttered. "Please..... please....." Finally I was silent. Nothing but the tears rolling down my face and me trying to open the casket myself. The priest still looked at me like I was crazy. All the days that came after that were dark. Like there was no more hope in the world. And that was the day..... I'd lost my mind. And officially became..... Insane

Damn ('_'). I don't know why but.... But that just made me sad I'm just imagining how he feels RN. The excruciating pain that he feels everyday of his life knowing that shes dead..... Damn..... Just damn(,)

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