Chapter 20: James POV

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This chapter is going to be pretty long lol. Here's chapter 20...

I layed down in the messy hotel bed. Staring at the ceiling in the dark contemplating. The bed was cold and lonely. Tears dripped from my eyes onto the pillow which was now soaked. I rolled over on the other side of the bed. I didn't like it. There's too much room. I'm so used to having another person beside me. God I wish she was here! I sobbed out loud. That's when Liv opened the bedroom door. She stood stairing at me. Her face was still red and puffy from all the tears she's cried out.
"Hey!" She started in a silent moapy tone.
"Hi." I replied now wiping the years from my face. She came over and lied down beside me. She rested her head on my chest.
"I'm sorry..."
I moved my long dark brown strands of hair out of my eyesite.
"Don't be." I said. "Its not your fault this happened." She sobbed out loud almost as if I'd hit a nerve or something. I stroked her hair back. "We're in this together!" I muttered. "And there ain't nothin' you can do to change that.... Nothing." She weeped even louder this time. My shirt was wet with her tears.
That by far. Was the longest night I've ever been through.
"The next morning I woke up, not wanting to go to work. But I knew I had to. I had to support my sister. I didn't wake up to a big breakfast like I used to. I lazily got dressed. Not caring because I have no one to look good for anymore. I cant believe shes gone and I have no clue about what happened to her. I was a wreck at work. All I could think about was when I saw her infront of me with the big smile on her face telling me "you know what I want." I miss her so much. She is everything to me. A long day of moping, and holding back tears was finally almost over. I was walking through the alley way crying thinking about how I found Nina, how my life got crushed. But suddenly I wasnt sad, I was upset, I'd even stopped crying altogether. I saw a young boy walking around the alleyway.


I followed him down the alleyway and bawled my fist up tight. He was dribbling a basketball and minding his own business. When. I was close enough I hit him as hard as I could. He fell to the ground. "Hey what the fuck man!"
I ignored him and kept hitting his face. I let out a devilish laugh as I did so. All of the hurt and sorrow was gone. All of it replaced with blood lust. I brused my knuckles each time my fist made contact with his face. I didn't think about it. Just did it. He managed to push me off. He ran away as fast as he could. I chased him around the dark street. He wasn't very fast. I threw myself into him got up again and stomped his face in with my black timberland boots. Blood spread along the ground. I poked my finger in the puddle of blood.
"Still warm!" I laughed.
I got off of him and walked away with a evil grin across my face. That's when I finally stopped.


I looked around.
"The fuck?"
A drop of rain dropped on my forehead. I turned around. Oh shit he's dead! I thought to myself. I ran towards him. Surely he was dead. I called 9-1-1.
"911 what's the nature of your emergency?"
There's this kid... He's dead and there's blood everywhere!" I said panicking.
This image was all too formiliar to me.
"Where are you located?"
"On a the street directly behind the Sheraton hotel. I don't remember the name of the street!"
"Okay help is on the way."
I pased back and forth freaking out. Images of Nina quickly flashed before my eyes. I wanted to die thinking about it. Then I stopped. Hold on. Two people died around this area within a month. That must mean the person that killed Nina is somewhere around here! I looked around. Hoping for a sign of another persons presence. There wasn't any.
The guy who killed this kid has to be somewhere around here. He couldn't have gotten far. The rain came down harder. The police arrived about 5 minutes later. Coincidentally the same cop from last time came. He looked suprised to see me.
"Well... Aren't you lucky." He laughed. "Finding 2 dead bodies within one month." I was fighting the urge to punch him. But I didn't wanna get attested. Then they'll know everything about me.
"Yeah I guess so..." I said trying my hardest to mass my annoyance.
"Sounds a bit suspicious if you ask me." My body shivered to those words.
"What the fuck are you implying!" I barked.
"Calm down! I'm not implying anything..... Yet." I spit on the ground in front of me. Drawing a imaginary line between us.
The police officer got closer to me. "Was that a threat?!" He asked placing his hand in my shoulder and one hand on his handcuffs.
"No sir!" I say with an attitude.
He took his hand off of me. "You have to come to the police station with us. We have a few questions."
I grumbled then said okay. I looked back. People were already examining the dead kid.
I got into the patrol car and looked out at the bright new York lights zooming past. Rain slowly fogging up my window. Suddenly flying past the car on the side walk I saw Nina! I whipped back but only to see she was gone. I must've just been seeing things.
"Hey son you okay back there?" Asked the police officer.
"Maybe." I said still looking through the back window. We pulled up to the police station and walked in. The cop brought me to a square shape room. "Sit!" He ordered. He left the room
I did as I was told. I say down in that chair for a while. I started counting off the time to his return in my head. 1 minute.... 5 minutes.... 10 minutes.... 20 minutes.
"Damn did you forget about me or something!" I called. The police officer came in a few minutes later.
"What's your name kid?" He asked.
I already hated the guy. I wanted to hurt him.
"You have a last name?"
I thought of a fake one. I looked at the wall. Then looked at the cop.
"Wallman." I lied
He looked at me with an uncertain look. "Okay James Wallman I'm gonna make this quick, cause it's obvious we both hate each other. What were you doing before you found the body?"
I sighed then motioned to the yellow McDonald's logo on my shirt. "At work."
"You work at McDonald's!" He said giggling. I scowled at him. Doesn't he see I'm not in the mood?
"Look if you think I murdered them then stop. Because I didn't that's all I'm gonna say." I kicked my feet up on the table feeling confident with my response.
"What's that on your boots son? Looks a hell of a lot like blood!"
I looked down at my boots. I just noticed that. "Yeah.. Must've stepped in that guys blood."
"And your busted knuckles?" He said cutting me off.
I glanced down at them. "I don't remember." The police man left the room. I knew he had his suspicions. But I can't believe he'd even think I'd dare put my hands on Nina! And I know I didn't kill that kid I just know it.
The cop came back with a peice of paper. "Okay look kid.. Sign this paper and fill out the contact information." I looked down at it. It asked my birth date, birth name, city of birth etc. I took the pen he provided then started to fill it out. When I finished I handed it back and he said I could go. I was about to leave but he stopped me again. "Hey kid you need a ride?" He asked.
"Of course I need a ride!" I say back in a snobby tone. He went into his squad car and I followed him inside. The ride home was quiet. I won't complain I like it better this way. I strongly disliked this cop guy. He pulled up in front of the hotel. He gave me his card. "We'll keep in touch!" He said winking at me. I ignored him and continued to the hotel.

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