Chapter 14: Nina POV

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Yeah I'm doing it... This ones Nina's POV. But anyways here's chapter 14... Oh and BTW this may be too mature for younger readers. Viewer discretion is advised

I stared out the window and watched as the abstract shaped clouds flew past the plane. I brushed my fingers through James long dark brown hair. He was sleeping on me. When he first asked me to run away with him I said yes and was absolutely sure now I'm having second thoughts. But it's much too late to turn back. I already missed my dad but I'll have to forget him. James and Liv are my family now they'll take care of me. We had about an hour left until we got to New York and Liv hasn't taken her eyes off the clouds the whole time. It's like she's been waiting for this her whole life. Can't blame her though James told me the horrible things that's happened to them. Feel bad.
I picked up my phone to check the time but the flight attendant stopped me.
"I'm sorry miss but cellphones are not allowed on the plane!" I sighed and shoved it in my pocket. I wonder what would happen if I yelled "BOMB". I giggled to myself. I'd probably get sent to jail, wouldn't want that. But it would be funny though. I mind as well sleep for the rest of the time. I shifted my body to a more comfortable position and forced myself to drift to sleep.
(Time Skip)
Liv started shaking James and I awake violently. "What do you want woman?" I ask half asleep. "The plane is landing in 5 minutes!" I looked out the window. Tall buildings slowly became visible as the plane slowly descended towards the ground. I shook James awake.
"We're hereeeee!" Cried Liv. James leaned over me to look out the window. We all squiched faces all trying to stare out the window at once.
We ran out the plane as soon as we could and people were looking at us as if we were crazy. Liv spinned around the airport floor. James and I walked out the building to see more of New York. Liv followed behind.
As soon as we crossed the door our mouths dropped open. The buildings were humongous! Liv started to drool.
James and I sat on a bench.
"Now what?" I asked.
"Well we can stay in a hotel or something for a while." I nodded.
"But our phones won't stay on for long our parents won't keep paying them, the card will get deactivated soon, and that huge amount of cash won't last forever. What are we gonna do when it runs out?" James looked at me like I asked a dumb question.
"Get jobs duh!" He laughed. I smiled then have him a kiss.
James used his phone to Google a hotel close to here. I told Liv the plan and we started to walk up the long street. There was a nice hotel 2 blocks from here. We all walked there.
James told the guy at the counter we needed a 2 room suite and he gave us the keys after he got his money. We dropped our bags and took a nap together. It was nice. Were all here together and this was our new life.

(3 weeks later)

James walked into our suite. "Honey I'm home!" I love it when he said that. "Hey!" I said. He worked at a McDonald's. So cliché but hey! Money is money. Liv worked at a Forman Mills. I was still having trouble finding a job. I feel like I'm dragging everyone else down. James gave me a kiss and went into thre fridge and grabbed an apple. He plopped down on the bed beside me. He smelled like grease and burgers.
"Ew babe! Go take a shower then you can come snuggle!" James signed. Gave me another kiss and got up. "Fine!" He complained. "But only cause I love you."
I quickly jumped up went into my dresser and picked out the sexiest underwear and braw. I changed then jumped back into bed.
I waited for James to get out the shower. He walked into the room with a towl around his waist. I layed in the most sexiest position I could think of. He smiled as I bit my lip and stretched my body.
"Come to daddy!" He smiled.
I crawled over to him trying hard to keep my freaky mood intact.
He picked me up and layed me out on the bed. "Give it all to me!" I said in a soft subduing tone. "I'll give it all to you!" He smiled.
He held on to me and kissed my body. "I love you." He said. "Oh I love you most." I said in another sexy voice. James slowly tried to unstrapped my braw. "Not uh uh!" I teased. "I wanna play a game!"
James grumbled "Fine! What do you want. "
"Okay I'm gonna do the most freakiest things I could think of to you and you aren't allowed to touch me. If you do I win. If I win you have to take me to get some ice cream."
"Your evil! But if I win you buy the ice cream!" I bit his bottom lip. "Okay tiger!" James closed his eyes. I turned him over so now I can get on top of him. I started from his legs and slowly kissed a trail up along his body.
"Open your eyes baby!" He opened them almost as if on cue. I reached my hands in my panties" I know you want this." I teased. "Come on! Come get it!" James let out a moan. Damn! He was being so patient. I need to try harder. I unstapped my braq and started to slowly dance on him. "Your so evil!" Cried James. "Just come and get it!" I demanded. James quickly wrapped his arms around me and started kissing and caressing my body.
"You lose hun!" I said. "Oh and by the way.... I'm not in the mood right now."
James looked at me with a straight face. "Are you kidding me Nina?"
"Nah I'm just fucking with you!"

Sorry if this was too adult for this chapter I didn't really know what to do for this chapter.

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