Chapter 9 Liv POV

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A/n warning this chapter my contain sadness, screaming, crying and the feelz. Viewers discretion is advised....


   I can't believe this is really happening. I kept shaking and shaking her. Hoping she would wake up or something but a part of me already knew she was gone.

"Mom... Come on get up mom!" I practically screamed. "I CAN'T LOSE YOU!!!" I turned around and saw James rocking back and forth on the floor.

         He was crying so much. I've never seen him cry like this. And to be honest I was having trouble keeping myself together. I checked my mothers pulse. Like I thought.... Nothing. She really was dead. This is all wrong how could this happen. My heart dropped and I felt like I was gonna faint but I knew I couldn't. I had to be strong for once in my life. For once I had to stop crying and be strong.

         I wiped my face and made my way towards James. He was still rocking back and forth... Like he was in some kind of trance.

        "Come on James get up." Tears tried to make there way down but I kept wiping them away. "James get up!" This time I said it with more force. He acted like he didn't even hear me. "JAMES GET YOUR ASS UP!" I hollered. "WE MADE IT WAY TO FAR TO STOP NOW!" This time he stopped rocking and turned towards me. "What are we gonna do Liv?" I paused for a moment that was a really good question. "I don't know but we'll figure it out together." I offered my hand to help him off the floor and he took it.

        "We have one of two choices. We can hide the body or run away." James glanced around the room as if he was looking for something. Then he spoke. "I don't wanna run away yet... Not without Nina." This made me a little angry but I had to respect his choice. "Where are we gonna hide her?" I asked. James looked down at the ground. I sighed. "Okay we'll bury her across town in the woods. I'll drive us." James shook his head. Tears still rolling down his face. "Help me lift her to the car." We lifted up our mom and carried her up the stairs and into the car. James looked as if he was about to vomit. We both got into the car. Good thing it was dark outside. That would make it harder for us to not get spotted. We drove across town no words left either of our lips. I was still wiping away any tears the dare flow down my face. James just stared out the window. Watching the house lights fly by the car as we rode across town. After what felt like forever we finally reached our destination. "Let's do this." I offered. James just looked at me like I was asking him to jump in a pit of needles. I sighed again. Why was he acting so weak all of a sudden. I opened the back door and paused for a second. It's hard to think about dragging my own mother in the dirt. Makes me sick to my stomach. "James can you please help me out here?" My voice cracked. He didn't answer. "Ugh you know this silence is defeating!" I spat. He just shrugged. I wanted to punch him in his face but I knew that wouldn't help. I turned on the car light to look my mom face to face. Her hair was messy but still she seemed so peaceful and beautiful. "James can u grab my bag for me?" He picked up my bag and chugged it to me. I catched it. I dug my hand in the bag and searched for my hair brush. I pulled it out and brushed my moms hair back. Her hair looked much better now. "I'm sorry I didn't appreciate you enough." I closed her eyes. Then I  started crying again but this time I didn't wipe them away I just let them flow.

         I heaved her over my shoulder and carried her out the car. I walked around for a few moments scanning the ground for the perfect final resting place. Then I found it. There was a nice soft "bedding" of dirt that I thought was the ideal spot. I slowly set her down softly on the ground then went back to the car and got the shovel from the trunk. James was still in the front looking out the window.

       I can't believe he's making me do this all by myself. He's usually the strong one out of us.  I grabbed the shovel then continued to shovel the layer of snow then the  dirt. It took a while to make it big enough but it was worth the time. My mom deserved more then this. She deserved more then us. I just wish I could go back in time and make things right. I slowly placed the body in the ditch. "Goodnight mom." More tears came down. "I love you." My voice cracked again. I knew this was the end. I fell to my knees. I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down.

      I started screaming uncontrollably. "Please don't go mom!" I screached. "I need you!" I just stared at my mom. That's when James came over and put his arm around me. He rest his head against my shoulder.

"For now on we cry together." He said in a soft warming tone.

          We had to have sat there for about an hour in the dark just crying before we finally buried her. After today I don't think things will ever be the same. All I know is James and I became a two man army. Nothing would break us. Nothing....

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