Chapter 34

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Breaking News:
Serial killer Olivia Smith was shot in the head during a attempted escape from prison while a riot broke out. Olivia is not dead but is at a hospital currently in a coma. She will remain there until she awakes. Her brother James Smith is currently awaiting trial for aiding Olivia in her attempted escape. New Yorkers everywhere are relieved that this mad man is finally off the streets.

James POV:
I didnt get a jail sentence. I dont know how but somehow the courts found me innocent. They said Liv forced me into doing it. This shit is all wrong. I lost everything! I lost my mom, girlfriend, and now my fucking sister. I have nothing now. Nothing but a knife and a deadly bloodlust. The incisionest will live on. Our legacy will live on.
Liv.... I'll be waiting for you. When you wake up I'll be right here keeping your seat warm. And until you get back ill be doing the killing for both of us.... See you soon.....

Breaking New
It is not over! It seems that there is a copy cat going around pretending to be the murderer that goes by the name of Olivia Smith who is currently in a coma. The new incisionest killer is much more brutal and more creative. Please be safe New Yorkers. It's not over. This is Jill Waters signing off. Good night and be safe New Yorkers.

A/N: Okay guys this is the end. Im so proud of myself this is my first complete book. I'll make a sequel if you guys want cause i have some ideas but i just want to thank you all for all the support on the book. I have tons of other books coming out soon. See you all later.

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