Chapter 24: Liv POV

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I'm really sorry guys I've been writing another book. I will keep updating this as much as possible. Anyways on to chapter 24.

"Tonight!" I said giddily.
James looked unsure about the whole thing but I knew he'd be hooked on the idea
The sun was already beginning to set and I was feeling nervous as the time grew near.
"You hungry?"
"I'll order some pizza."
I picked up my phone and dialed the pizzeria's number. I knew it by heart now. We'd called them often. "Hello how can I help you?" Answered a lady from the other end.
"Can I get a large cheese pizza with 20 piece buffalo wings and cheese fries."
"Would that be pickup or deliver?"
"Cash or credit?"
"Okay where are we delivering to?"
"The Sheraton hotel on north road street."B
"Okay we should be there in 30-45 minuted."
I hung up. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. A part of me was ashamed of what I've become, but the other part was proud. I blew the hair out of my eyes and rinses my face with water.
"Am I really about to murder innocent people tonight, for no apparent reason at all? I ask myself out loud.
I sighed. "Yes, I am." I said now answering my question.
I stared in the mirror looking at what I've become. Just last week I was a normal person caught in the middle of some bullshit. Never thought this would happen. My hair. All the red, blue, and black strands were growing back. My hair was almost half way down my back. I finally left the bathroom feeling somewhat more confident with myself. James was in his room doing god knows what. I sat on the couch and flicked through the basic channels. James came out of his room and sat down beside me. An awkward silence fell across the room. Although we laughed at 2 and a half men whenever something funny happened.
A few minutes later we were called on our intercom. The pizza guy was here.
"I got it." Insisted james.
I handed him the money and he left to get the pizza. When he came back he sat everything on the glass coffee table in front of us.
James took a slice of pizza and bit it without hesitation. The pizza was so cheesy, and so greasy. I ate some of the cheese fries. I noticed James eating particularly slow. He was procrastinating. His long dirty blond hair got in his eyes but I could tell he didn't mind it. The light from the shined off his pale white skin. A drop of grease trailed down his arm. After what felt like years we finally finished eating. "You ready?"
He paused. Hesitating to answer.
"Yeah... But first let me get a drink."
He walked over to the refrigerator and poured a glass of mountain dew and took slow sips. I sighed impatiently. He finished and stood with the empty glass.
"Aaaahhh... This is good." He opened the refrigerator again.
"I want some more!" I snatches the cup from his hand and carried him out the door. we walked around scripting for the perfect house. I thought this would be more natural but instead it was just awkward. James and I walked amously into the night looking for the perfect house to break in to. We were so unprofessional.
"Hey Liv how bout this one?" James pointed to a pretty small house. The lights were off so I'm assuming the people in it were either not home or asleep. I nodded. "I'll check the back to see if there's a way to get in." I stated. I walked in the back. I checked the windows but they were all locked. Good thing it was late. No one was outside. It was too cold to be out at night. I rounded the house and met with james again. He was trying to open the window.
"Well on to the next one." I said disappointed.
"No wait I have an idea!" James stood in front of the window and pinched it as hard as he could. His hand started to bleed. "Shit!" He cursed out loud.
"Yeah dumbass! That's what happens when you punch glass!" I shouted. "Come on we can do this tomorrow. You need to get that fixed."
"No wait!" He pleaded.
He smashed his elbow into the window and it shattered immediately.
"You fucking retard!" He picked the glass out of his nuckles and elbow.
"Come on let's go you've made enough noise already were gonna get caught!"
He was already climbing through the window.
"Shit!" I cursed under my breath. He's acting suicidal! What's his deal. I climbed in after him. It was dark and one of the lights from upstairs turned on but james was no where to be found. I quickly searched for a place to hide but when I walked past the basement door someone pulled me in.
"Shhhh, come on Olivia, we gotta be quiet."
I was relieved it was James voice.
"You idiot, were find be caught!" I yell whispered.
"We can make this work if we play it smart, come on it'll be fun."
I heard foot steps coming down stairs. They were heavy, probably a man.
We walked down the stairs. "Go in the laundry room and hide. Watch and learn." James said with a cocky attitude. I did what he said and he turned off the lights and hid under the stairs. The name footsteps were coming closer. You could tell he was looking for an intruder. Then the lights in the basement turned on. I wiped the sweat from my brow. Im so scared. James the man walked down the stairs not yet noticing james. james winked at me. I noticed blood leaking from his hand. What the hell was he planning.
The man turned and james jumped on his back. One hand covering his mouth the other jabbing something in his neck. It looked like glass. My heart was beating so fast. The man threw james off. James swung the shard of glass violently. I knew I should have helped him but my body froze. I stayed hidden in the darkness like a little bitch. The man swung at james but he dodged it and stabbed him in the gut. It was like this was natural to him. "Come on old man, gotta be quicker then that." He teased. James lunged forward impaling the man with the glass. He fell to the floor holding his neck almost as if he was trying to keep the blood from pouring out but it was no use. His blood stained his shirt and everytjing else for that matter.
"1 james, 0 Liv." He said. "Come on gotta do better then that."
Names laughed like a mad mam. I had no clue this was "a game."
"Oh so this is a game huh? Well let's bet on it!"
"Okay person with the last amount of kills by the end of the night has to pay for both of our bus fair."
I rushed upstairs and tip toe when I got into the hallway. I peeled through a room door. A little girl was sleeping. I thought about killing her.... Then i thought well this will save her from foster homes. I tip toed closer. James poked his head in.
He threw me a kitchen knife and caught it. "Goodnight Sweety!" I penetrated the girls skin with the knife. Stabbing and stabbing. And with every stab came a horrible scream. I loved every bit of it. I missed the girls forehead.
"Sorry." I lied.
Then I remembered James! Where did he go. I walked out. I opened the master bedroom door. James had already gotten to the wife.
"You didn't even watch me you jerk!"
"Sorry I don't wanna pay for your bus fair." I scowled.

That night it snowed. It snowed so much. And for the first time in years.... I'd enjoyed it.

Okay people shit just got real. But if you guys like this book can you please read my other one. It's inspired by bonny and Clyde. It's called "partners in crime." Just go on my page and it should be under "works." But anyways thanks for all the support and leave me feedback of you have anything you wanna say. Constructive criticism welcome.

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