Chapter 10 James Pov

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A/N omg I woke up this morning and checked on my book. I have over 300 views!!! Guys I just wanna thank you all for reading my book its been so much hard work. Now on to the story.....

        Its been a few weeks since my mom died. I haven't been to school since then. My dad locked himself in his room. Hasn't come out since.  I can't imagine the amount of pain he's going through. The love of his life is gone and he has no idea what happened to her. Can't imagine that. And sometimes if you listen close enough late at night you can hear him crying. Poor man. No matter how sad we were we had to pull ourselves together and go bury a empty casket today.

     After an hour or so everyone was ready to go. We all piled into the car and drove to the cemetery. The ride was slow and quiet. I felt awkward but I knew it wasn't the best time to crack a joke even though it crossed my mind a few times.

       When we got to the cemetary almost everyone I knew was there and some people I didn't. Friends family etc. They all were here to watch an empty casket get lowered into the ground on my mother's behalf. I caused this. I am a freak. How could I do this.


        I saw Nina. Haven't saw or speaked to her in a while. I want to tell her about everything but I don't know how. I'm afraid she may think I'm a monster. As soon as she saw me she ran towards me practically jumping into my arms.

       "Omg baby are you okay?" She asked. I held her tight. God I needed this. "No but you made me much better." She kissed me then rested her head on my shoulder. The priest started to speak a few minutes later. I looked around. Not one person had dry eyes. I never wanted things to go this way. There was such a gloomy atmosphere. I blocked out the words the priests said. Me and Liv already had our own personal funeral. God knows I would hate to go through another. It gave me time to just think.

          I wonder why Liv is so supportive.... I am a mad man and through it all she sticks by me. If you ask me she may be more psychotic then I am. I let my mind wander for a little longer. I turned and saw Liv. She's crying. My dad wasn't though he looked like he was holding in the tears. I would hate to be in his position.

         Nina squeezed my hands and I knew I had to tune back in to reality.

       "Would anyone like to speak on Natalia Smith's (my mom) behalf?" It was all quiet. I silently thanked god no one went up. That's when Liv raised her hand. My heart sank to the floor. Her of all people. The priest motioned her to come forward. "Whenever your ready" he added. Liv shook her head then continued.

     "Hi I'm Olivia Smith as most of you probably know. Natalia was my mother. And although I may have neglected any love she tried to give me deep down I knew that she loved me. I used to think that she hated me. That she only took care of me because I was her daughter. But recently I found that to be false. All I want to tell her is I'm sorry. I wish she was still here so I could tell her that in person but unfortunately not everything goes as planned. I know she's watching  she'll always be I'm my heart. Gone but never forgotten."

       Those words spoke to me in a way I couldn't explain. I idolize Liv. Other then her unusual tendency to cry like a lot I looked up to her.   

         The casket slowly sank into the ground. People walked up to put flowers on it. "Do you wanna go up?" Asked Nina. "Nah. Its not like she's really in there." She frowned at me then kissed me on the cheek. A few minutes past and the casket was finally put all the way in the ground. Everyone went down. For the majority of these people its the first time we've seen each other in years and just like that they come and go. Not even asking "hey how ya been" or "how ya feelimg about your mother disappearing." Its sad.  Not that much longer after we went home. For some reason I felt 1000 pounds lighter. Like a lot of stress just left my body as soon as we left the cemetery. I texted Liv. Didn't wanna talk out loud on front of pops.


         To: Liv
Y didn't you tell on me? I'm a murderer.

       Liv looked at her phone I could tell saw the text but instead of replying she just stared out the window as if she was thinking of an answer.

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