"What I am not a bad influence am I?" Kaleb asked.


"Yes" Hope eyes land on Josie as she comes towards them. She then remembers what happened when she woke up.

Hope jolts up groaning from the pain. She looked around and her eyes met Josie.

"I feel like I just got hit by a bus" Hope winced trying to get up just to be pushed down by Josie causing her to groan.

"Don't try to move" Josie gave her some tea.


"Great, now would you mind telling me why I found you in an abandoned building with bruises all over your body and in underwear no less?" Josie asked, very angry. Forgot about the underwear part.

"It's complicated" Hope told her which earned a scoff from the brunette.

"Yeah kind of got that when I saw you covered in bruises"

"Look I know your angry-"

"No, I am more than angry. Do you have any idea what it was like to find you there? Hope you are barely breathing!" Tears were forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry"

"You're sorry?" Josie repeated raising an eyebrow as her right eye twitched "Hope explain" she sternly said, sending shivers down Hope's spine.

"Fine" Hope sighs. Think Hope, think. "I am in a... fight club!"

"A fight club"

"Yeah" I might as well go with this "Didn't expect this opponent to be this strong" she chuckled groaning as she tried to move.

"Hope you ended up with a broken rib and you're lucky I had the equipment to help you"

"Wait, you did these?" The bandage on my ribs was well done.

"Yeah my mother was a nurse so after she did I wanted to follow her footsteps"

"Well looking at these you are doing a good job"

"Thanks" Josie blushes.

"Also thanks for not going to the hospital" Who knows what they would find in my blood.

"I didn't think you'd want that concerning you called me instead of them"

"Yeah you were the first to come to mind" Hope said and groaned as she fully sat up. "I should get going, I don't want to be here when your dad comes home. Don't really think he likes me"

"Oh yeah he definitely hates you" A voice said as they turned to see Lizzie.

"Great the annoying twin is here" Hope gave a sarcastic smile.

"Oh I'm sorry, is someone talking? can't really see them from over here" Lizzie looked around the room which Hope rolled her eyes to.

"Guys," Josie warned.

"She's the one that started it. Though dad would be back soon so I suggest you leave" Lizzie told her as she left.

"Still don't know why your dad hates me so much"

"No clue even the name Mikaelson gets him red" Josie told her before giving Hope her bag "Found it on the floor in the bathroom don't worry didn't look inside oh and also texted your aunt you'd be with me"

"Great, that's off my chest. How did you find me?" Hope collected the bag standing up.

"MG was able to track you, but don't worry I didn't tell him why" Josie said as they walked to the door.

Into The Spider-Verse (Hosie) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now