Chapter 23

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Blaze POV

I lay in bed still crying when Eric and Four come in to wake us up. When I hear the dorm room door open I just slide the blanket over my head trying to hide the tears running down my face and my bloodshot eyes. I have never cried so much in my life.

I hear eric talk about not seeming to attached to our family and faction before blood. It really hurts my heart to hear his voice. He is using his leader voice right now but I can still hear his softer gentler voice asking me to be his and for me to wait for him. I should have listened when everybody said he was cruel and ruthless. I had no idea he could be so cruel.

I feel someone tug at my blanket. I just hold on to the blanket tighter.

"Inniate pull this blanket down now."

As I pull the blanket down off my head I keep my eyes on the floor.

"Amity when I tell you to get up you get up. Understand?" Amity? What happened to babe or blaze?

Without raising my head I reply "yes sir." I do not want him to know he has the power over me to make me cry. I hate myself for crying.

"Amity you will look at me when I speak to you."

Fuck! I take a deep breath and look him in the eyes. "Yes sir." when I look at him his face drops and his eyes soften. He mouths "we need to talk" but all I do is shake my head. He drops his head and walks away. I guess he is upset that I won't let him rub in the fact that he got me to fall for his shit. I wonder if he told me all those lies to pay me back for kissing him or if he was trying to get me in bed and when that didn't work he found somebody else.

I can feel the tears threatening to fall again but I can't let them.

"Blaze I am so sorry. I don't understand why you were trying to hide your tattoo but I had no business forcing you to show it." Carter says looking like she is just totally heartbroken.

Am I still mad at her? I guess compared to what Eric did what she did was nothing.

"Its okay."



And before I even realize what she is doing she jumps on to my bed and into my lap. She hugs me super tight. "Thank you blaze. I love you."

I had to laugh at how excited she was. "I love you too but we need to get to the dining hall before breakfast is over."

I force myself to get dressed in a crop tank top and yoga pants. As I walk into the bathroom I can't help but stop at the mirror and see how much I have changed in just the five days I have been here. I have absolutely no fat. My body is so muscular. I lift my crop top up and look at my belly. I can see the beginning of a six pack.

While I am washing my face I decide I need to put on make up to hopefully drive Eric crazy. That asshole deserves it. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and head out the door.

As soon as I walk out the dorm door I run right into Four. "Sorry. I didn't see you there."

"That's okay. You were the person I was waiting on anyway."

"What do I owe this honor to?"

"I just wanted to apologize for my behavior last night. And I wanted to ask you if you like Eric?"

I can't help but laugh. "Of course I forgive you. I could never stay mad at you and no I don't like Eric. I think it's best if I wait till after inniation before I go start liking anybody."

"I am glad you aren't mad at me. Let's go get some breakfast." he places one of his arms around my shoulders and I put one of my arms around his waist and we head to the dining room.

As we wait in line I see Andrew come up to me. He pulls me out of line and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I am sorry I cant stay for breakfast I have another early morning assignment. I will try to catch up to you later today."

"Its totally understandable. You have to work. I hope everything goes smoothly and you have a good day."

"Thanks and I will talk to you later."

I don't know why I am starving this morning. I load my plate down with eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, waffle and grapes.

"Well if it isn't my beautiful dance partner. Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning handsome. How are you this morning?"

"Better now I see your beautiful smiling face." he looks down at my plate as I am grabbing my drink. "That's a lot of food for such a small girl."

"I guess I am just trying to eat my sorrow away." I don't know why but I feel the need to tell him. Of course I am not going to name names.

"What's got you so upset beautiful?"

"It's nothing really. I just like somebody and I thought they liked me back but turns out I was wrong. I am just an idiot."

Dom looks surprised. "If a guy doesn't like you back then he is the fucking idiot. You don't want to be with anyone that stupid anyway. How about we eat breakfast together and I will turn your frown upside down? Maybe I can even get you to forget about the dumbass?"

And that is when I notice Eric standing to the side by the drinks. By the look on his face he has heard our whole conversation. Shit! Now he realizes I was serious when I said I liked him. Well if he can be cruel and ruthless so can I.

"That sounds good. I would love to eat breakfast with you." I catch Eric out of the corner of my eye when I say it and I know he heard me because he is pissed. He looks like he is ready to punch something.

I follow Dom to an empty table off to the side but within view of the leaders table. I want that bastard to see me enjoy myself with my friend. I want him to realize he may have knocked me down but I am not staying down.

Because a brave man never surrenders.

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