Chapter 14

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Blaze POV

"Why did you sit with Andrew and not us this morning?" Carter ask looking kind of hurt.

"Because he asked me too. He wanted me to meet some of his friends."

"You get a boyfriend and forget about your friends?"

"Andrew is not my boyfriend. We are just friends. I don't like him like that."

"Yeah right. He is gorgeous. What girl wouldn't want him. And he obviously wants you." Sophie ask.

"He is a good looking man but there is no spark there."

"Sparks? He is good looking. He has a great personality. And he wants you. If you wait for sparks you are going to be a bitter lonely old lady one day. That stuff only happens in those cheesy romance books." Sophie just looks at me and shakes her head.

"Then I guess I will be lonely because I want fireworks and I am not settling for any less. Plus I think I have feelings for someone who isn't Andrew." Fuck! I did not mean to say that last part. I don't even know if I have feelings or something for Eric. But I know he fasinates me and it's starting to get harder to keep him off my mind.

Changing the subject before anybody can question me. "I forgot to tell you we got invited to the roof for drinks and games later."

"Let's go. It would be nice to unwind. I know exactly what I am going to wear." Carter is always thinking about what she is going to wear to every occasion.

Walking through the training room doors I notice Eric right behind us. Oh shit! I wonder if he heard us. He didn't look like he heard anything.

"Inniates today we fight. There is nine of you so one of you will not be fighting. Check the board for your name and the order you will be fighting. Don't forget you will be graded and the fight doesn't end till one of you can't fight anymore. Remember a brave man never surrenders."

Oh shit! I have to fight Zach! He is like seven inches taller and seventy pounds heavier. How the hell am I suppose to beat him? I don't want to fight my friend! One of my best friends. I walk over to Zach and wrap my arms around his waist and he kisses me on top of my head.

"Zach, do not take it easy on me. We have to give it our all and not let what happens in the ring effect what happens outside the ring. You are my best friend win or lose."

He gently takes my chin and raises my face so he is looking into my eyes. "I love you no matter what." and kisses me on my nose.

As I turn around he wraps his arms around my waist so my back is up against his chest and he is resting his head on top of my head.

I close my eyes enjoying the warmth of his love and friendship when it dawns on me. Who picks the pairs for fighting? As I open my eyes I see Eric looking at us like he is about to kill. Eric! That asshole is the one that picked the pairs. I am willing to bet my life on it!

"Sophie and Dean. In the ring."

I start feeling sick to my stomach. While there isnt as much size difference between those two as me and Zach but Dean is built. Hopefully Sophie being quick will be enough for her to have a fighting chance.

"If you cry I may take it easy on you. I hate to mess up that pretty face but I will. Maybe you can service me in return for a win."

I can feel Zach's arms getting tighter around my waist. He must realize I am about ten seconds from jumping in the ring and whipping his ass myself.

"Today innaites." Eric sounds and looks so bored.

I see Dean charge at Sophie but she manages to duck out of his way. While he is distracted and she is behind him she hits him in the back of knees. He goes down with a thump. She jumps on his back and starts punching him in the side of the head. She isn't strong enough to keep him down but as he goes to stand up she wraps her arms around his neck in a choke hold. He struggles to shake her off his back but she has a death grip on him. You can see the light slowly leave his eyes as he starts to lose consciousness. And then he is out.

"Winner Sophie. Mike and Crowley in the ring."

I am so happy for sophie! We all are so excited about her win that I don't even pay attention to the fight going on.

"Crowley winner. Blaze and Zach in the ring."

We both start heading to the mats. We stop to take off our boots. I look over at Zach and I can see the sadness in his eyes. I turn my head towards Eric and he looks like he is trying to hold back a smile.

We both enter the ring and take our stance. We circle each other neither one wanting to be the one to throw the first punch.

"Are you going to fight or should we take a nap?" Eric says sounding bored.

Zach throws the first punch at my jaw. I dodge it and notice he has left his stomach open. I feel so bad when I punch him as hard as I can. He isn't holding back anymore. He comes at me with both arms. I take advantage of his unprotected face and hit him in the jaw with an uppercut.

He manages to punch me in the side of the face. He tries to kick me but I surprise him and grab his leg. I start applying pressure to his pressure point in the back of the knee. He screams in pain and falls to the mat. I know my kicks are stronger then my punches so while he is down I kick him in the temple three times till he passes out.

"Blaze winner. Drag his ass off the mats. Tyler and Davis you are up."

They drag Zach off and sit him up against the wall. I run over and try to wake him up but he is out cold. I sit down beside him and lean my head against him. As I sit there waiting for my best friend to wake up I can't help but remember the way Eric had an evil smile and sometimes an evil laugh.

I don't even pay attention to the fight. I am lost in my own little world till I hear Four.

"Lunch break. We will finish the fights after lunch."

At this point I am fuming. I have had enough and it's time for me to say something.

I approach Eric and I can see a surprised look on his face.

"Eric we need to talk."

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