Chapter 7

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Blaze POV

As I walk into the cafeteria I notice Eric has followed me.

Grabbing a tray and getting in line I notice Butch is in line waiting for all the food to be put out.

Noticing me he turns around with a big smile. "Good morning beautiful. Fancy meeting you so early in the morning."

"Good morning Picasso! I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I am surprised to see you up so early."

With a yawn he replies "I haven't been to bed yet. But now I am glad I stayed up. Will you make my morning even better and join me for breakfast?"

"Eat breakfast with such an amazing artist? I would be honored." laughing as he is blushing so bad.

After filling our trays up I follow Butch over to a table and sitting beside him.

He looks around "dammit! I forgot coffee. Would you like a cup?"

"Yes please! For the safety on my fellow iniates I should have coffee"

I decide to do some people watching while I wait for Butch to come back. I notice Andrew with a tray in his hand. Heading to the leaders table.

That's when I notice Eric looking right at me. Void of any emotion in his face as usual. I wonder what makes this guy tick. As Andrew goes to sit down he notices that Eric is staring at me. Great is everybody going to stare at me?

I notice Andrew say something to Eric and pick up his tray and head to my table.

"Good morning. I like the view over here much better then over there" pointing at the leader table. If Eric could have killed him right then and there with a look he would be dead. Eric looks livid!

"Good morning. I hope you slept well"

Butch sits my coffee done beside me and looks up and notices Eric. "Looks like our little one has an admirer. I am pretty sure Eric has killed each one of us in his head over and over again"

Andrew starts to laugh "only person Eric admires is himself. I have never met anyone so in love with himself and so sure of himself."

Butch puts his arm around me and squeezes me into him. "Don't worry little one we won't let him mess with you."

I decide to take this opportunity to steal one of butch's pieces of bacon.

Butch grabs his heart and acts like he is heart broken "our little one has betrayed us. All for a piece of bacon"

"And a piece of suasage" I reply trying to grab a piece off of andrew's plate. As I go to put it in my mouth Butch grabs my hand and brings the sausage to his mouth.

Just then Four walks up looking at us like we had lost our minds because we are laughing so hard.

Butch speaks up "good morning. Watch your breakfast meat seems our girl has a thing for stealing people's food off their tray"

Trying to give my best innocent look "who me? Well I never!" no matter how hard I try I can't help but laugh.

"You need all the protein you can because we start stage one which is physical. We will begin with stamina which includes a 10 mile run. Think you can hang amity?"

"Of course I can! I was the third fastest runner in all of amity!"

Andrew laughs. "But this isn't amity and I bet I can beat you. "

"Well then come out and run with us and prove to me you are faster" trying to sound cocky even though he is making me doubt myself.

"Okay. I will be there. Loser has to fix the winners breakfast tray for a week"


Four stands up and announces it's time to head to the training room.

Andrew leans over and whispers in my ear "I am going to go get into my running clothes and meet you there" then he surprises me and kisses me on the top of my head!

Standing up and grabbing my tray. "Lead the way great one." Four grabs his tray and leads the way to the training room.

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