Chapter 12

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Blaze POV

"How did I let you two talk me into buying this dress?" I have never worn something so revealing! (See picture of dress up top)

Carter takes in a deep breath "for the hundredth time you look hot in it."

"Andrew is going to go nuts when you wear it. You have to wear it tonight!" Sophie squeals with excitement.

"Ok. I will wear it tonight. But we have to hurry."

As soon as we get back to the dorm I get in the shower while Carter and Sophie debate on how to do my hair and make up.

Sophie is bouncing up and down.
"Now get dressed but put a sheet over your dress so we don't get anything on it. We have 30 minutes to make magic happen."

"Wow! Magic? I need magic to make me look good? Gee thanks" I stick out my bottom lip and pout.

"Geez girl it's just a figure of speech girl. Now sit your skinny ass down"

It was kind of fun sitting there while they do my hair and make up. They fuss and debate but we laugh so much I am surprised we finally get me ready.

Both of the girls step back and smile. "Perfection." they declare.

"Go look in the mirror!"

I walk into the bathroom to look in the full length mirror.

"Holy shit!" I yell really loud accidently.

They had curled my red hair and it had beautiful waves going almost to the middle of my back. They had made my eyes look all smokey and pale pink lipsticks. My eyes stand out so much! I had to fight the girls to let me wear my combat boots with silver buckles up the sides with my dress but it's perfect! Looks very femine but bad ass at the same time.

"Thank you! Thank you! I have never felt so beautiful before!" I hug both of the girls."it's 7:45 I guess I better go."

Sophie is smiling from ear to ear "we want all the details in the morning!"

"Of course! Thank you guys both so much! I love you both"

I am trying to calm my nerves as I walk towards the pit. My self confidence is lifted as I get double looks and some cat calls as I make my way towards the bar.

As I get closer I can see Andrew standing outside of the bar. He hasn't noticed me yet. I wonder how close I can get before he looks the way I am coming from.

And then he turns his head. I try not to laugh as his mouth drops open. As soon as he realizes his mouth is open he snaps it closes and gives me the biggest smile.

"A-a-amazing. You look amazing." he looks so cute stuttering. I have to admit he looks handsome in his black skinny jeans and tight fitting black light weight sweater that shows off all his upper body muscles.

"Hey handsome! You want to buy a lady a drink?" Wow! I hope that didn't sound as corny as I think it did. That's it. I am not going to flirt. I am just going to be myself.

"I would be very honored if you would allow me to buy you a drink." he takes my hand and walks me into the bar.

I am kind of surprised it's so busy on a weekday but it's just another sign that dauntless never sleep. There is always something going on. Always people and noise and activity everywhere. No matter the day or time.

As Andrew leads me to a round booth in the corner I notice a few of the guys turning around checking me out.

"What would you like to drink?"

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