Chapter 21

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Blaze POV

He likes me?!? I feel my heart soaring! I want to dance. I want to jump up and down.

He leans down and kisses me again. I could stay like this all night.

"Babe you need to go get some sleep. Tomorrow is visiting day."

The thought of the going back to the dorm tonight scares me. I don't want to face everybody. I can feel the tears start up again. I swallow hard trying to hold them back. I lose it though.

"Can I just sleep here? I don't want to see anybody. I am not ready."

"You have to be brave. Remember your tattoo?"

Oh shit! He is making fun of my tattoo. I wish I could just disappear. I cover my face and I can feel my face turning red. Maybe if I keep my eyes closed I can will myself invisible.

I can feel Eric pull my hands away from my face. I try to stand up to run but he is holding me so tight I can't even budge.

"Don't run babe. I love your tattoo. I have to ask why did you get it? I thought you wanted to wait till after innation."

I don't want to tell him. What if he laughs at me? I will be so humilated. Taking a deep breath I decide to tell him the truth. If he understands then maybe I will know if he really gets me.

"Please don't laugh." I see him nod his head so I continue. "Fighting Zach was the hardest thing I have ever had to. I grew up being told violence is wrong. Even though my dad trained me to defend myself he always explained it was only for protection. Then I come here and you want me to beat up someone I love. Someone who is like a brother to me. Someone who has never done anything to harm me. I want to be dauntless so bad. I know I am dauntless. So even though I didn't want to do I did it. Your words "a brave man never surrenders." is what made it possible for me to do it. I knew I had to be brave. I knew I had to never get up. I knew I had it in me to do whatever was necessary to become dauntless. And I didn't ever want to forget that so I had those words tattooed on me."

He just keeps looking at me. I feel my stomach flip flop. Maybe he can't say anything because he is trying to not laugh.

"I have to go to bed. I have visiting day tomorrow." before I can even moves he crashes his lips into mine. I could never grow old of this his lips are so sweet and tender. I can't help but moan as he starts kissing my jaw line and he moves down my neck. He pauses at the back of my neck. I can tell he is checking out my tattoo. He rubs his hand across it and then gives it a kiss.

"Please Eric tell me what you think."

I notice him swallowing. If I didn't know any better I would think he was getting choked up but he is ruthless and mean he doesn't get choked up.

"I love it. I am so honored that you did that. I am so proud that my words meant so much to you that it helped you get through the fight. I am so touched. I like you so very very much but..."

I knew it was too good to be true. I starting crying again. I can't believe I actually thought he cared. I am a fucking idiot. I take my hands and try to shove him away so I can run. I start throwing punches to try to get him to release me. He just holds me thight to his chest. I can't even move now. Then he starts rocking me. I feel his lips lightly kissing my forehead. Why can't let me go? I can't help but cry harder knowing I have finally met my true love but he doesn't feel the same way.

"Shhh babe. Its okay. Everything will be okay." he takes his hand and moves my face so we are looking into each other's eyes. "I like you. I want you to be mine but we have to wait till after inniation. It's against the rules for a trainer to date an inniate. It's only three more weeks. Please say you will be mine. I can't bear the thought of you being with some other guy. You belong with me. Will you be mine please?"

Is Eric really asking me to be his? I feel like I am dreaming. That's it this is a dream. If he is being truthful can I wait three weeks. Do I want to be his?

All of sudden I feel his arms release me. I knew it he was playing me. I feel like slapping the shit.

Then he speaks "I am sorry. I knew it was selfish of me to ask you to wait. I know you have all these guys that want you and that can be with you now. I just want you to be happy."

I am shocked. He really does want be to be his. He has a tear running down his face.

"Yes Eric I will be yours." his lips are on mine before I can even blink. This time his kiss is so tender and sweet. Filled with so many emotions.

"I want you to wear this." I see him take a necklace from around his neck. It's a silver chain with a coin on it. "This has always brought me good luck."

He slips the necklace over my head. "I don't need luck. I have you." and he kisses me on the end of my nose again. I dont know why but that seems so adorable.

"You really need to go bed babe. I will see you tomorrow. Just remember don't tell anybody about us. Go ahead and head back to the dorm and I will wait five minutes before I head back so nobody sees us together."

As I start walking towards the door I feel him grab me and turn me around. Then his lips are on mine. Even after all the kisses we have shared today I still feel like my insides are melting and I see fireworks.

I pull away. "Good night Eric" I know he is watching me walk away so I decide to sway my hips.

"You are killing me sunshine."

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