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Christian Pierce descended the stairs of his house in a crumpled shirt while me and the Officers waited for him.

I recognized him the moment he had entered the party. I had seen him before. He was watching my Stella the other night when I picked her up from the gallery. He was the one who bought that ugly painting. So he was her client in a way.

But I didn't suspect him just because of that.

Christian Pierce was smart. But he wasn't that smart. The day Stella was kidnapped, she was seen getting in a car. Sure, the name plate of the car wasn't visible, but the driver was. And when we checked the CCTV for the last whole month, the driver was regularly seen outside her gallery.

And one day, he slipped. The number plate of the car was clearly visible. When the cops ran a check, it showed that it belonged to Christian Pierce.

And then Camille told me about him, that he had bought that painting.

And my apprehension was confirmed when I received a call from Paris Police. I had a missed call from there, and when I called back, the officer there told me there was a misunderstanding. A woman who had short term memory loss had come to them thinking that her boyfriend had kidnapped her and she thought I was her fiancé. But everything was fine when her boyfriend returned and took her with him. When I asked her the name of the girl, she said she didn't remember properly but it started with an S.

But when I asked who the boyfriend was, guess what she said.

Christian fucking Pierce.

That did it.

I was so fucking sure he was the one who kidnapped my Stella. But why? He clearly didn't look like he was in need of money. That man owned a fucking mansion. He didn't look like a serial killer either, but then again I knew nothing of serial killers.

What if he had killed my Stella?



Stella was fine. Everything was fine.

When Christian was standing in front of us with his driver behind him, I stepped forward. "Where's Stella?"

He cocked a brow. "How would I know that, Mr. Ellison? Last I checked, you told me she was missing."

I clenched my jaw. "Drop the act, Christian. I know you kidnapped her. Now, where is she? I swear if you even hurt a hair on her head, I'll kill you myself."

He didn't budge. "You're threatening me under my roof, Mr. Ellison. I would say very stupid of you to do that."

I stepped forward. A punch on his pretty face, and the motherfucker would spill everything.

"Mr. Ellison." The officer beside me warned. I stopped when he stepped forward. "Mr. Pierce, we have a search warrant of your house. We think Mr. Ellison's fiancée is in your captivity."

Christian's eye twitched. "What makes you think that?"

The officer handed him the phone. "Your driver was seen following Miss Johnson very often. Mr. Ellison also recieved a suspicious call from Paris police that a woman came to them saying she was kidnapped by you."

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