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I opened my trading software and adjusted some orders. It was a sluggish day at the end of a slow quarter. I clicked a few buttons, made a million bucks. I could do this with my eyes closed.

I drummed my fingers on the polished desk and then wiped the smudges with my cuff. Disatisfaction and nerves war in my chest.

Stella tried to run away. But I caught her and during that process, I lost control. But I think it was obvious for me to be angry.

I told her to not try to run away but she did anyway. She didn't listen to me. She should listen to me.

My head still throbbed after she had hit me. Arnold stitched me up because calling in a doctor would be a threat. I lived in seclusion. No one knew about me unless I wanted them to.

That was why I was sure that Stella's family would never be able to find her. Or me.

But it wasn't a problem now.

The problem was, however, that Stella didn't want to see me. She told me not to show my face ever again. It had been seventeen hours, nineteen minutes and-I checked my watch-twenty seven seconds since I last saw her.

I Googled again what to do if your lover says that she didn't want to see you again. Some results showed to perusade them and talk to them and sort things out. I didn't know why anyone would do that since their lover didn't even want to see them. That just seemed absurd.

Other showed to let them go.

That was automatically a big no.

So, at last, even Google couldn't help me. I was on my own.

Which was a problem for me. I didn't know what to do.

Just then, someone knocked on my door. Must be Caroline.

"Come in."

The door opened slowly, and I was right, it was Caroline.


She sighed. "She's not eating anything. She sent me away everytime, saying she'd flush away the food."

I didn't know what to do with this girl. She was so stubborn.

I stood up and powered off my laptop. "Let me try."

Going into the kitchen, Caroline handed me a plate as I contemplated what I would say to Stella once I see her.

It was so hard to talk to her. I didn't understand sometimes what she meant. Her words said something but her body said otherwise.

I didn't understand why she was like this.

I went for the digital lock by the door but stopped short.

Don't show me your face again.

She told me not to come near her. And it was pretty obvious since I attacked her last time. I didn't mean to, but I did anyway. I couldn't take it back now. But I'd make it better.

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