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"She said she's not hungry. She doesn't want to have dinner." Caroline told me while I was sitting at the dining table, waiting for Stella to come down.

I creased my forehead. "What's with you all with not eating when you're angry? Does not eating make your anger go away?"

Caroline thinned her lips. "Did you do something to her this time, again? Something that made her mad at you?"

I gave her two orgasms. Which I didn't know why the fuck would make her mad. But Caroline didn't need to know that. This seemed a bit personal, I think.

"She enjoyed spending time with me. But then she was mad because she enjoyed." I wasn't lying, just kept most of the part to myself.

Caroline cleared her throat and took a deep breathe before she sat down on the chair to my left. This was the first time she had done something like this.

"You do realize, Christian, that kidnapping her and keeping her here forever won't make her love you. Or even want you. You have to give her a choice. You don't like when people control you or tell you what to do or what not to. You like having choices in matters, don't you? Then how can you expect her to just simply accept what you're offering by  forgetting everything in her past?"

When she put it that way, I understood, to a point. Stella was mad because she didn't have a choice.

But there was one problem.

"Even if I give her a choice, how do I know that she is going to choose me. I mean, she herself said that she doesn't want to be with a psychopath like me. She would be embarrassed by being seen with me. What do I do if she doesn't choose me?" I asked her.

"Then you let her go. You can't force her to stay here. Someday, you're gonna realize relationships don't work like that. Do you really want to live with her like this? Where she avoids you and doesn't want to see you? You want her like this?" She asked me back.

I blinked. Twice. "No."

"Then how do you want her, Christian?"

The answer came naturally to me. "Happy, safe, here with me."

"And do you think she's happy now?" Caroline asked again. "No," I answered.

She put her hand on mine. Her touch was warm, like mom's touch used to be when she rarely touched me. "Then talk to her. Ask her what she wants. I know you don't want to let her go, but you can at least offer her the things she's looking for in this world. And then, maybe, you wouldn't have to worry whether she'll choose you or not." With a small smile, she squeezed my hand and walked back to the kitchen.

I didn't want to be an option for Stella. I wanted to be her only choice. Caroline said I should give Stella what she wants, and I was willing to do that but I already knew when I'd ask her what she wants, her immediate answer would be to leave this place. To leave me. And I was just physically incapable of doing that. I didn't think after knowing what it was like to have her around, I'd survive if she ever left me.

Sighing, I put my fork down on the table and opened Google on my phone and searched, Can you die if someone left you?

It showed that you could die of a broken heart, but it was also extremely unlikely. It's called broken heart syndrome and it could happen when an extremely emotional or traumatic event triggered a surge of stress hormones. These hormones could put you in short-term heart failure, which could be life-threatening. The chances were even less than 2 percent.

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