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Christian took me to the Eiffel Tower, first. Where he kissed me. And I let him.

And then he took me to a salon. Why, I had no idea. When I asked him, he said he read on Google that women loved going to salon and shopping. So, he said he would take me to salon first, and then to shopping.

God, what was I doing? This all, it needed to stop. Christian Pierce was my kidnapper, for fuck's sake. And I had sex with him. Twice. And I even enjoyed it.

And he was planning babies with me.

And I was having a holiday in Paris with him.


Christian was waiting for me when I stepped out of the salon. The lady there had gasped a mon Dieu when she saw me and then started doing my makeover. It wasn't much, just a little with my hair and my nails. She robonded my hair and highlighted them with a darker shade of pink.

Christian's smile widened the moment he saw me. "You waited here the whole time?" I asked.

He nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

Sweet Jesus.

I ran my hands down his chest, flashing him my new sparkly crimson nails.

"What do you think?"

"I love them, sweetheart." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "You've never looked more beautiful than you look now." He pressed a kiss to my cheek, making me blush.

I shook my head.

Stop enjoying every moment with him, bitch.

"Thank you."

He smiled again, grabbing my hand. "Where to next? Shopping?"

"No. Church."

Every time I had sex with him, I swear, I could feel the fires of hell creeping up my back for cheating on my fiancé.

And also, I had a plan.

He nodded. "I'll come with you."

I froze. "What? No. Christian, you can't come with me."

This was not a part of my plan. Christian would never go to the church. I thought he'd tell me to go ahead and he'd wait for me and I could put my plan in motion, but like always, he had to ruin it.

His forehead creased. "Why not?"

"It'd be boring for you." I blurted. He smiled, "Nothing is boring with you, sweetheart."

"You're not even Catholic!"

"I'm whatever you are."

I had no response for that because it was ridiculous.

If Christian had made up his mind, he was not going to let me go alone. So, now, I had to do something to get him off my heels.

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