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After hearing Christian's story, I was clear that he had been obsessed with me for a long time. I didn't remember the incident he had told me about but I do remember the suit incident. So that much was clear that he hadn't made that story up.

So, I decided to use his obsession against him. I had a new plan.

"I'll give you a chance." I told him.

His face lightened up like fireworks, dimple creasing his cheek. "Really? You'll stay here with me?"

"Uh, no, that's not what I meant, Christian. I said I'll give you a chance, means I'm ready to see if we work out together or not."

"We will. You'll see." His voice held so much conviction that I almost felt bad doing this to him.


I nodded because I didn't have much to say to him. I was thinking of tricking him into taking me outside of this house. So that I could see if we were really in Manhattan or not.

Christian watched me silently as I ate dinner. He even petted Daisy once and she let out a happy bark. I could clearly see that something was going on his mind, the reels were running, probably planning his next move.

"Will you watch a movie with me?" He asked out of the blue.

I stared up at him. "Movie? Now?"

He nodded. "Yes. If you're not sleepy."

I figured he was trying to act like a boyfriend. I chewed as I asked him, "Did you read somewhere that you should watch a movie with your lover?"

He blushed. And that was all the answer I needed. I'd accept that did make me smile as I answered, "Fine, Christian. I'll watch a movie with you."

He smiled, "What movie?"

I decided to test him. "The Princess Bride."

His face morphed into confusion and disgust. I had to do everything to not to laugh. "Why the fuck would you want to watch a movie like that?" He said.

I shrugged, "You asked me, I gave you an answer. It's all up to you now."

He let out a strangled breath. "Fine. Finish your dinner and then we'll watch...The Princess Bride." His nose scrunched at the last part.

After I had my meal, Christian held my hand as we went down to a room where he told me he had home theater. We passed Caroline on our way who gave us a big smile when she saw us together.

She's shipping you both, bitch.

I didn't care. As long as I knew I'd get out of this place.

Christian put on the movie as we sat on the sofa together.

"Do you remember the first movie you watched?" He asked.

I turned to him, "No, do you?"

He smiled. "Yes. It was Mission Impossible. Boring as fuck."

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