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chapter ten

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chapter ten

Today was the 4th of July, and there was no way I was letting Conrad ruin my 4th of July. The 4th of July was my favourite holiday. Some people argue that it isn't a holiday but I say it is. It's a day to get drunk, party, watch fireworks and gossip. The dad's normally come down every July 4th and stay a couple of days but this year Mr Fisher was on a business trip. Mr Conklin was still coming but Laurel and he are divorced and he has a new girlfriend who he's apparently bringing so that will be, um, interesting. 

I was sitting at the kitchen counter, eating the last of my cereal when Jere approached me. 

"Can I finish your milk?" 

I smiled and handed him the bowl, "I still think that's disgusting." 

Just then, Conrad entered the kitchen, sending us both a sharp glare before walking straight out. 

"What's his problem, he won't talk to me," Jere sighed. 

"Same with me. We had a fight last night so it's probably that." 

"Oh. Are you okay? Can I ask why?" 

"I'd rather not talk about it," I softly smiled. 

The good thing about Jeremiah is that he would back out of things when he needed to. He wouldn't stick around and annoy you until you told him. So he just replied with a nod before taking my bowl to the sink to wash it. 

"Morning kiddos," Laurel greeted us, Belly and Jack walking behind her. 

"Morning Laur," I smiled. 

"Hey, Jere honey!" Sussanah shouted. 

"Yeah, mom!" 

She then entered the kitchen, "Hey honey, can you wash the clams?" 

"Yeah, sure mom." 

"Oh and b, I want to paint your portrait before everyone comes, get into a nice dress honey," Anna said. 

"Okay, I'll meet you outside." 

Everyone was busy right up until 1 pm which was when everyone arrived. Cam was coming. As well as Nicole (Jack's deb date) and Shayla (Stevens deb date). I didn't have that much time left until I had to have a deb date. And I had no idea who to take. A part of me hoped that I'd clear things up with Connie and could take him. But I knew that he wouldn't want to go even if things cleared up. 


I was sitting out next to the pool in a little white dress with red flowers on it in front of Anna and her painting set up. We'd already been at it for 1 hour and 30 mins so I assumed she was nearly done. 

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