Alberu looked at the clock, it was almost midnight and his work was piling up, it looked like he wouldn't be able to sleep for the night.  Then he glanced at Cale who was still enjoying his meal.

“Cale, this is getting really late, go to bed.”

Alberu could see Cale's spoon movement stop and his face contorted in displeasure, then he made a face begging to let it go any longer.

However Alberu managed to keep his face firm, Cale was still a child and sleep was very important.

Cale ended up making a face as if he was really hurt, he finished one more cake quickly before going to the bathroom and getting ready for bed.


Alberu had called the maid to clear the table.

Cale came out of the bathroom and crawled up the bed, sitting in the middle, glancing at Alberu one more time.

"How about you, hyung?"

Alberu averted his gaze from his documents, he saw Cale who was sitting in the middle of the bed.  The dress, once again, followed the curves of his sitting body.

Alberu's heart raced but soon returned to normal.

"I'm not going to sleep, I have a lot of work to do."


Cale hummed and looked at the pile of documents, then turned to Alberu, Cale then gave him a pitying look and started crawling closer to the pillow, the dress once again followed the way his body moved and Alberu froze.

When he got to the pillow, Cale plopped down and wrapped himself in a blanket, Cale's habit of making blankets cocoons when he slept.

Alberu sighed, it had been a long time since he had seen Cale sleep, it seemed his habits were still the same as a child.

A mound of blankets then formed in the middle of the bed, Cale who was in the middle was barely visible except for the red hair that was poking out at the ends.

Alberu returned his focus to his work when he saw Cale calm on the bed, but then the cocoon of the blanket moved and faced him.

"Hyung, if you want to sleep you can find another room."

Then Cale seemed satisfied with himself and turned around, returned to fixing the blanket roll and started to fall asleep.

Did Alberu just get kicked out?

Alberu had reserved this room, and actually this was all that was left in this luxurious inn.  The Henituse area was always bustling with business people who came from all over the Kingdom so the luxury inns were always full.

So if Alberu had to find a different room, he might have to move to another inn.

But why did Cale chase Alberu away?

Alberu shook his head, thinking Cale might prefer to rule the room on his own, Cale had grown so maybe he started learning about privacy.

Moreover, Alberu often heard from the servants that Cale liked to decorate his room, so it must be like that, Cale started to build his own territory.

Well, even though Alberu still sensed that something was wrong, he brushed it off and stayed focused on his work.


The dark night was quiet, Alberu had turned off the light so Cale could sleep better, Alberu used a magic device to keep his documents lit, even though it wasn't really necessary because Alberu as a dark elf had sharp eyesight in the dark.

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