Tracing my hand over his body, it seems a little very cold. This person is a human, and am very much aware that the Magnus family is full of lycans. But I know that when a shifter dies, their spirit animal fades away and the human part is left, but there is always a trace of who they really are behind.


traced his stabbed wounds , and felt a little bump, a mark that can barely be seen. It felt like a mark of an assassin or an organisation of some sort.It was a square with a star in the middle.I took my phone and snap a photo of the mark quickly and discreetly, but I saw another mark instilled on the burnt marks. Taking a photo of it as well.

I looked at his face again and touched it but the man suddenly came back,

"Time to go." He said , more bored than before starring at him, and shrugged, 'at least I got something from coming here.'

Strapping the gloves off and starched them in the dustbin by the door as I walked out. Finding my way out of the hospital and towards my car looking below it, you know just Incase there is a bomb or something.

'scared much,'she spoke again taking me off guard. I'm used to Evy's voice but this is totally different. Her voice was much deeper than Evy's.

"We really need to talk." I spoke out loud while opening my car.

Before she could respond, my phone suddenly rang, It was my brother. I've been avoiding his calls, sending them straight to voicemail or simply answering formally but I got a lot on my plate right now but gotta deal with this.

I shut my eyes tight and picked up the phone.

"Yes." I answered . My voice was hard and confident and detached.

"Finally you answered." He breathed in relief. " I wanna talk Corey."

"Yes what is it Alpha ?" I answered. Purposely using his formal name.His heavy breath meeting my ears, indicating he's not happy with the name.

"We have a pack meeting at the end of the week, I need my advisor there " he spoke in his Alpha tone.

"Yes Alpha." I agreed wanting to get out of this conversation as soon as possible.I thought I had the mental capacity to talk about what happened a few weeks ago but when I heard his voice I just lost the strength to. His words really made mih mad than I thought it would.

"Cory ..." He dragged my name.
"Can I please talk to my sister? ." He asked all hopefully and shit. A pout probably gracing his lips. Breathing deeply trying hard to block my heart from feeling whatever.

"Sorry but she can't talk right now Alpha maybe later." I replied glaring at the phone.

"You know I hate it when you call me that." He sighed tiredly.
"Please my sweet little sister." He tried again fluttering. Rolling my eyes as my heart fluttered he was getting to mih. He was, is, my best friend, ignoring the way he always pushes mih to move on.

"Don't roll your eyes at me" he gasped knowingly.

"Talk to you later." I replied hanging up the phone before I do something stupid. I gripped the steering wheel tightly, controlling my emotions.
I'm an expert on burying my feeling, but when the explode it's an ugly site.

I know am stalling and dragging this shit out but he's a very sensitive topic to me.And Mario simply saying I should get over it like it was nothing when he was at the front seat when I lost myself due to him.

I felt Betrayed to the very core.
It hurt so bad.

Backing away from the hospital after I got control over myself.Shaking my head lightly, I need to focus on this case but first I need to understand why I have a wolf and a lycan. There are many hybrids in our world but, a lycan and a wolf that's unheard off, one being that they are almost the same thing.

That same question has been bugging me for two straight weeks since I found out , I haven't even had time to process it .

Evy made her appearance last night while taking a nap. Both of them have been quiet, I have been going crazy, speaking to myself and no one is answering, till last night when Evy said 'hi'  said  a HI after two weeks of silence and Aria creeping me out from this morning.

Pulling up near a library that I go to when am bored. It's a library and a coffee shop / bakery goodies.'Read and Relax' was the name of the triple shop.

The middle aged guy smiled at me widely and greeted me by name since I've been here more times than I can count.His a werewolf and a part of our pack.  Greeting him back with a forced but realistic smile  when he chirped his greetings to mih.

I went straight to the ancient books , where at least I could try and get some answers from my confusing situation.Picking up another book about ancient lycans , because the one I have is totally useless, I picked random books that looked old , I have no strength to be picky, I could only steal an hour of my works time.

Skimming through the old looking pages, of how lycans came to be. Their origins and existence.

After fifty minutes of reading this books and nothing.They looked like they are straight from google. The typical stories that are found on the first page. Massaging my head tiredly.

"What type of book are you looking for Corinne." I snapped to the voice, it was Peter the one at the reception.

How do people keep on sneaking up on me?

"A book about lycans and werewolf and their origins?" I replied after staring at him for a while.

"We only have this books here, they are only dated from 1000AC." He said. " This are the only books that are available every where based on lycans and their origination." He said.

Tough luck. There is totally nothing that can help me in this books. Not even one of them that explains whether or not a shifter can posses a lycan and a wolf. It's well known that some shifters have a wolf and a vampire or a demon and a bear.

" But my grandma had a book from the originals , she always says it's from the gods themselves or whatever, I could bring that to you tomorrow." He continues.

" Okay I can come tomorrow at 8 to pick it up." I replied quickly.
Anything to help me out in this situation I got caught in.

" Thank you Peter." I replied genuinely, getting up to return the books .

"You welcome." He replied happily.
His always smiling, doesn't it hurt to smile that much. Giving him a genuine smile before leaving.  A little hope lightly up inside. His grandma's book could shed some light .
An hour wasted but I hope this book will help.

"Aria .??"I called when I got to my car and was settled in.

"Yes ." She replied after a while.

"You really don't know how you're with mih or connected to mih?" I asked again since I've been asking since she graced me with her presence from morning.

" No I don't, if I knew how I came to this generation I would have told you already." She replied nonchalantly.

"I want to go for a run tonight."Evy said suddenly. That is the first complete statement she has said to mih.

" Okay ." I replied out loud .

Driving off in more confusion than I had before coming here.
At least I got somewhere in both 'cases'.

I parked my car at my spot on the precinct, got out and walked straight to my office which was on the third floor. Opening my door and  taking a seat, I took out my phone and scrolled down on my apps , then clicked on the gallery selecting the photo I took of the mark on Alfonso's body.

I stared at it for a while, it looked so familiar. Like I've seen it before.

Then it clicked .



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