"I actually wanna start with the shots of the two of you together. Drake, you're gonna hold her, and Demi, when it feels right, don't be afraid to look up at him but don't stare at him the entire time, okay? We're just gonna let the song play out a little bit," the director explained as Demi nodded to show that she was listening. The song began to play from the speakers and one of the workers positioned them in the middle of the green screen. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she did the same, both of their heads resting on each other's shoulders. Demi sighed in contentment as one of his hands stroked her hair and he began to softly whisper the lyrics into her ear.

"You and all your girls in the club one time, all so convinced that you're following your heart cause your mind don't control what it does sometimes. We all have our nights though, don't be so ashamed, I've had mine, you've had yours, we both know, we know. You hate being alone and you ain't the only one. You hate the fact that you bought the dream and they sold you one. You love your friends but somebody shoulda told you somin' to save you, instead they say..."

He cupped her cheeks in his hands, almost forcing her to make eye contact with him. He slowly leaned in, making her think that he was gonna kiss her lips again but instead his lips connected with her forehead, letting them linger there before he pulled away again and stared into her eyes, deep into her eyes, making her quiver and shake as they held each other's gazes. The world around them slowly disappeared, slowly melted away into nothing until it was just the two of them, and her heart was beating in anticipation of what she had wanted to happen since she had first met him. His eyes made a slow and hungry trail along her entire body until they locked gazes again, and she could feel it, the incurable lust that was burning between them, and she was ready to pounce on him and take what she had always wanted...

"CUT!" And even though the world slowly faded back in and they were brought back into reality, the fire still burned.

Her back was slammed against the wall as Drake's lips made a searing trail down her neck, practically ripping her dress off of her body and shoving it down to the floor as Demi's hands traveled up his shirt, pushing the offending piece of cloth off of his arms and neck and throwing it to the floor along with her dress. A trail of clothes were left behind as they stumbled their way through Drake's penthouse and into his bedroom, her breath catching in her throat as he picked her up and tossed her onto the bed, following suit and straddling her as his hands worked their way to her back and unclipped her bra as Demi's mind began to function again. Was she really about to have sex with him? Was she seriously about to get herself sexually involved with another guy?

As Drake easily found the sweet spot on her collarbone and she released a broken moan, the logical part of her brain began to fog up and she could feel her senses taking over. She wasn't thinking anymore. All she could think about was relishing in the pleasure that Drake was giving her and making sure to return the favor.

"Shit," Drake breathed out as he released inside of her, perks of birth control. Demi practically collapsed on top of him, pushing her hair that was matted to her sweaty forehead out of the way as they both worked to catch their breath. She had always said that no one knew how to touch her like Trey or please her like Trey but she clearly had not been exploring her options well enough. Trey always took her to another world but Drake had taken her to completely different galaxy. At one point, she had even been seeing stars, and she was not exaggerating.

"I think that was long overdue," Demi breathed out, slowly rolling off of Drake and releasing a strangled cough. Her voice was almost completely gone, causing Drake to chuckle as she groaned. She would not be able to go to the studio for the next few days.

"You just took the title of the best that I've ever had," he smirked, leaning over and kissing her before sitting up to leave the bed, but he hissed as he felt the sting of the scratches that her acrylics had left on his back.

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