On the playground

Start from the beginning

"No, not yet." Louis said shortly, keeping his gaze on Ava who was playing with her moulds carefree. He was slowly getting tired of the questions and he already regretted that he had picked up on them in the first place.

"And how are your parents and sisters?" Harry wondered.

"Okay, stop." Louis said and turned to Harry with a scowl. "I don't get it. Why are you asking these questions? Why are you asking questions at all? Seriously. Enlighten me, please." He asked genuinely confused.

"I- I just want to make conversation." Harry said quietly and pulled in his shoulders.

"No. No, you want to know what's going on in my life, but I don't understand why. You clearly didn't want to be a part of it anymore, so why don't we just skip all of this shit and you concentrate on Ava? That's why you're here, right? If you want to make conversation so badly, then ask about her and not about my life, because that's none of your business anymore." Louis said harshly.

"Louis, please...why are you so rude to me? I'm trying here, okay? We're both adults, why can't we just act like those?" Harry asked pleadingly.

"Why did you leave?" Louis blurted out without thinking about it.

He had enough, he needed to know. No matter how much it would hurt him, he couldn't grope in the dark anymore searching for a possible explanation when he could just get the answer to the question he was asking himself for three years now.

"I..." Harry started clearly taken aback by the sudden change in their upcoming argument but his face crumbled when he realised what Louis actually wanted to know from him now and tears welled up in his eyes.

He looked at Louis' eyes- the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen- and he couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't stand the empty look in them, he couldn't stand the desperation in them, so he dropped his gaze and stared at his hands in his lap. He knew Louis was hoping for a valid explanation, something that would easen his pain or that would take away the thoughts of having done something wrong or not being good enough. But he couldn't give him that, because he couldn't lie to him.

"I wasn't ready..." He whispered.

His eyes were burning and he squeezed them shut tightly to keep the tears from falling down. After taking a deep breath he took all his courage and lifted his head only to see Louis frowning at him.

"Ready for what?" He asked confused.

"For this." Harry moved his hand around. "Ready to have a family, be a father, settle down. You were working all day and I was all alone with Ava and I took care of the household and had to attend courses. I was just so overstrained and exhausted, you have no idea how hard all of this was...I just...at first I thought I just had to get used to everything but it got worse with everyday and when she got sick I was going nuts. I couldn't hear her cries anymore, I couldn't see her hurting and it was all too much. I constantly thought about what other people my age were doing and I couldn't do it anymore..." By now the tears were falling down his face, he hoped to desperately that Louis at least understood him just a tiny bit but his eyes were full of disappointment and anger.

"So you just left instead of talking to me?" He asked uncomprehending.

"You have to understand-" Harry started but Louis cut him off harshly.

"So you said you were too young, not ready for all that but you weren't too young to fuck your mother's boyfriend?" He laughed sarcastically. "You weren't too young to start a relationship with a guy who was eleven years older than you? You weren't too young to always wanted to fuck without caring about protection, risking to get pregnant again? You weren't too young living the life of a fucking prince as you used my money to buy yourself everything you wanted just because you could? But you're telling me now you were too young to settle down and instead left when it got a little tough?"

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